Black Death

  • Oct 18, 1347

    Black Death arrives

    Black death arrives at Europe by sea.
  • Oct 15, 1348

    "It'' Spreads

    The disease spreaded by dead rats and fleas.
  • Oct 24, 1348


    Some symptoms were black boils that oozed blood and pus.
  • Oct 25, 1348

    Black Death 2nd plague

    The Black death was the second plague pandemic in Middle Ages
  • Period: Oct 27, 1348 to

    How long did it last?

    The disease lasted centuries. Killing over 25 million people.
  • Mar 19, 1349

    Black Death spreads Worldwide

    Black Death spreads through Europe and Asia.
  • Jun 26, 1349

    Black Death and Royalty

    Black Death was mostly the cause of deaths in royalty like kings and queens.
  • Aug 21, 1353

    It Ends

    The disease ends on 1350,but it really didn't for England.