Jan 1, 1333
Black Death starts in North-East China
(Date Not correct, Year is correct)
The Black Plague Erupts in China -
Period: Jan 1, 1334 to Jan 1, 1347
Plauge Moves West Along Caravan routes from China
(Date not correct, Year is correct) -
Jan 1, 1347
Mongol Armies Spread plague at Kaffa
(Date not correct, Year is correct)
The Plague enters Italy and Egypt -
Sep 1, 1347
Late 1347, Plague Spreads around Mediterranean sea ports
(Date not correct, Year is correct) -
Jan 1, 1348
Black Plague spreads from Cyprus to Florence
(Date not correct, year is correct) -
Jan 1, 1348
Plague reaches Paris and Southern England
(Date not correct, Year is correct) -
Jun 1, 1348
Plague arrives in England
Plague arrives in England on the south coast near Southampton
(Date not correct, year is correct) -
Sep 2, 1348
Daughter of King Edward III dies on way to marry Heir the to the Throne of Castille
Joanna, daughter of king Edward III died of the plague in Bordeaux on her way to marry Don Pedro, heir to the throne of Castille -
Nov 1, 1348
Plague reaches London
plague reaches London -
Jan 1, 1349
Edward III orders streets to be cleaned
(Date not correct, year is correct) -
Jan 1, 1349
Plague Spreads across England and Ireland , and reaches Scotland and Norway
Feb 2, 1349
2,200 people were being buried every day
May 12, 1349
The fourth new Vicar of the church in Shaftsbury, England is appointed, when the previous vicars died of the Plague.
Jun 18, 1349
Ordinance of Labourers was passed in an attempt to keep pay the same as pre-plague levels.
Jan 1, 1352
Plague Enters Russia and begins to abate
(Date not correct, Year is correct) -
Jan 1, 1381
Peasants' Revolt takes place
(Date not correct, Year is correct)