Black Death

  • 1346

    Black Death Emerges, Spread through the Black Sea

    A strain in Mongolia called Y. Pestis spreads to humans through a rodent called Tarabagan. The greatest hotspot was in the Mongols capital, Sarai in which they sprea it though the Black Sea.
  • 1347

    Plague spreads through Constantinople (Istanbul)

    A ship arrives in Constantinople via the Black Sea and kills 90% of the population.
  • 1347

    Plague arrives in Sicily

    The crew is barely alive by this point, and they spread the Plague and kill half the population of Sicily. They flee to the mainland of Italy, by the summer it kills 1/3 of the population
  • 1347

    Plague arrives in France

    Boat docks in Marseille and spreads through majority of the country
  • 1348

    New strain arrives in Europe

    A different strain of the Plague arrives through Genoa, brought by another boat that docked there. Genoans attack the ship and drive it away but they still get infected. Italy fights a new strain while still battling the first one. Y. Pestis heads east towards the Persian Empire and through Greece Romania, Poland, and Cyprus which just faced a massive earthquake. Venice orders the burning of infected ships and starts quarantining. Despite the efforts it still kills 60% of the population.
  • 1348

    Anti-Semitic outrage sparks in Europe

    Repeated Massacres of Jewish communities first starting in Provence killing 40 Jews.
  • 1348

    Plague enters England

    In the port of Melcombe Regis, Dorset the Plague arrives. People flee inwards and spread it through the whole country
  • 1348

    Anti-Semetism spreads

    A group of religous Germans known as Flagellants march down streets in hoods and half naked and whip each other until beaten and bloody. They were originally monks and then turned to Anti-Semitism. Plague spreads through Austria and Switzerland where the Flagellants say that the Jews started the Plague by poisoning the wells. King Casimir III of Poland offers a safehaven for the Jews under attack.
  • 1348

    Plague Reaches London and Scotland

    As the disease spreads people migrate to inner england and London. King Edward blames the plague on the people and garbage in the streets.
  • 1349

    Valentine's Jew Massacre

    On Valentines day 2,000 Jews were burned alive in Strasbourg. Later in the Spring 3,000 Jews revolted but were slaughtered in Mainz.
  • 1349

    Plague Reaches Wales

    People fleeing England to Wales brings the Plague there and kills 100,000 people.
  • 1349

    Plague Reaches Norway

    The plague reached Norway and runs rampants around Bergen. The king believes that fasting on Fridays will please God and make Him end the plague, which doesn't work and kills two of the kings brothers. The plague moves into Russia and Greenland.
  • 1350

    Scotland invades England

    Scotland so far has mostly avoided the plague, relatively and takes advantage of England being in ruins so they invade. While waiting at the border to attack the troops become sick with 5,000 dying. They choose to retreat and they bring the disease back to Scotland; killing 1/3 of Scotland
  • 1351

    Plague fades out

    The spread has come to a slow, some historians believe it was thanks to quarantine efforts. After the deaths of about 25-50 million people, and the massacre of 210 Jewish communities. At this point Europe has lost about 50% of its population.
  • 1353

    Social Turmoil in Europe

    At the point that they believe the Plague is safely behind them, Europe faces an economic disturbance. With the fact that 50% of their population has passed and people from other countries have fled to new places, it is easier for people to find jobs, education, food, etc. From the extreme mistakes of monarchies and the deaths of rulers, the aristocracy has passed laws banning the rise of peasants to keep order around Europe. It is now the renaissance, a new enlightened part of history.