Jun 12, 1333
Where It Started
There was about five million Chinese people who died by this plague. Soon it will outbreak of China spread through Western Asia and Europe. -
Feb 24, 1340
Spread of the Plague
The disease had struck others countries as well such china, India, Persia, Syria, and Egypt killing both women and men. -
Nov 6, 1347
The diseases
On November 6, 1347 there was 12 Genoese who came to Europe by sea. These was the beginning of the Black Death in Europe.. -
Feb 2, 1348
King Edward III Daughter
The Black Death killed regular people and royal people including King Edward III daughter. -
Period: Jan 1, 1349 to Dec 31, 1349
People thought plague was sort of punishment for people sins. Many people believe that the way of forgiveness was to flee the regions of Easton Europe, while others was massacred. -
Period: Jan 1, 1351 to Dec 31, 1351
The Black Death Ends
The last reported death for this outbreak came in 1351. Today, this disease isn't so deadly as it used to be and it has calmed down.