Colin Cuff was born. Dubland, Ireland He was born sick and very small. Lucky to surivie. -
Seeing lady liberty
I hear screams of joy as I walk around a corner. Then I see it Lady Librety. It was probaly the most beatiful thing I have ever seen. At that moment I knew my life would change. -
Getting Checked
Well everyone gets a six second check up before entering America. Those six seconds were the longest six seconds of my life. He looked at me, and smiled then went on to say you passed . -
Not so good...
All the stories, rumors, and tales about America were fake not everyone was rich, it was dirty like back home. But it was still better than back in Ireland. As soon as we got into America my parents were looking for jobs. -
Walking into America
I will never forget that moment I first step in America. As I looked around there smiles all around. Probaly the happiest moment of my life. -
First Job
I got my first job as a railroad worker. I couln't wait to get my first paycheck! It was rough, hard, and long work days. I remeber sweating so much I could fill up a cup and drink it.