When I was born I got my vaccines to protect me from various desieses.
http://www.babycenter.com/baby-vaccine-basics -
I started to use plastic. Now they are starting to make plastic bottles out of corn and other plants. This helps me because my mom told me that plastic, if in the sun, releases toxic chemicals that can harm our body. Now that they are starting to make plastic bottles out of plants these harmful chemicals will pose as no threat.
http://science-lit--w-1.ridgewood.gwm.schoolfusion.us/modules/groups/homepagefiles/gwp/923618/2075451/File/Everywhere%20You%20Look.pdf?sessionid=32d5fbec35b316979f81bb263 -
I got my tonsils taken out because it was to the point that I was unable to talk without a wisper.
http://www2.scholastic.com/content/collateral_resources/pdf/f/fischer_tonsilfacts.pdf -
Tooth pulled
I had laughing gas to quelm the pain of a pulled tooth. This can help a lot of people because it makes it easier to do painful things without the pain
http://www.colgate.com/app/CP/US/EN/OC/Information/Articles/Oral-and-Dental-Health-at-Any-Age/Infants-and-Children/Toddler-Child-Transitional-Care/article/Sedation-Techniques.cvsp -
Ear infection
I used to get chronic ear infections and a liquid that I used helped me to get better
http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/ear/otitis_media.html -
I obained my first pair of glasses and 1 was suprised that I was able to see so well. I first got the news at school and from there I went to an optometrist and I finally tried out my glasses and liked them;
http://www.kaleido-technology.com/Technology/Waferglassmolding.htm -
Strep Throat
I once got streap throat and my doctor prescribed me antibiotics to make me better.
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/antibiotics.html -
Broken Wrists
I broke both of my wrists and was in a cast in one arm and a air cast on the other -
I obtained my first pair of contacts and my perreferials we clearer and it felt like i was staring at a new world
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1042/BA20010012/abstract -
When I had bronchitis I was prescribed an inhaler and it helped me recover from my disease faster.