Bioremediation events

  • Discovery of Pestalotiopsis microspora a type of fungi that can eat the polyurethane (Plastic) in Ecuador

    Discovery of Pestalotiopsis microspora a type of fungi that can eat the polyurethane (Plastic) in Ecuador
    This research tell us that this fungi can literally eat the plastic waste even in oxygen free environments
  • Bioremediation of sludge contaminated with used lubricants (Bucaramanga, Colombia)

    Bioremediation of sludge contaminated with used lubricants (Bucaramanga, Colombia)
    22 important microorganisms were isolated in bioremediation processes in phase 1 of the project, including gram positive, gram negative and fungi, which were subsequently used for the formation of consortiums and the application in the different biopiles to carry out the decontamination process in the
    contaminated sludge.
  • Soil bioremediation contaminated with hydrocarbons using residual muds as an alternate source of nutrients (Durango, México)

    Soil bioremediation contaminated with hydrocarbons using residual muds as an alternate source of nutrients (Durango, México)
    Contamination of the soil resulted from accidental spills with hydrocarbons, mainly diesel, gasoline, and residual oils. Biosolids stimulated the native microorganisms of the polluted soil; consequently the hydrocarbon degradation process was accelerated. The hydrocarbons were used as carbon and electron donor source, coupling the oxidation-reduction reaction with oxygen which served as the electron acceptor.
  • Bioremediation of sludge contaminated with used lubricating oils

    Bioremediation of sludge contaminated with used lubricating oils
    The tests were carried out at the facilities of the Río Frío wastewater treatment plant (Colombia), where sludges from the treatment of domestic wastewater, sludges from car washes and sewage sludges from the industrial zone of the city of Bucaramanga (Colombia). Microbial strains with degrading capacity of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) such as Pseudomonas spp., Acinetobacter spp, Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter spp., Bacillus brevis, Micrococcus spp and Nocardia spp.
  • Deep water horizon (Gulf of Mexico)

    Deep water horizon (Gulf of Mexico)
    A large scale of bioremediation was deployed during the BP oil spill crisis.Two methods were used, first was bioaugmentation, when appropriate nutrients and dispersants are used in conjunction to help induce growth and increase surface area between oil and microbe by emulsifying the oil respectively. Second was biostimulation, when microbes degrade hydrocarbons by anabolizing it into biomass.
  • Bioremediation of the coast of Quintero and Puchuncaví with seaweed.

    Bioremediation of the coast of Quintero and Puchuncaví with seaweed.
    The rupture of a connection on a fishing vessel resulted in the spill of about 38,000 liters of crude oil into Quintero Bay.
    This project will use as a bioremediator potential an algae from South America. The cultivation of Macrocystis pyrifera is projected as an activity capable of generating environmental, labor and social benefits for the community; since in addition to capturing harmful elements, it will house biodiversity, opening new productive fields related to the sea.
  • Biological agents are applied in the soils of Pemex in Veracruz to eliminate pollution

    Biological agents are applied in the soils of Pemex in Veracruz to eliminate pollution
    In addition to degrading and encapsulated bacteria, commonly used in other soil bioremediation processes, specialists used “exotic” earthworms (Pontoscolex corethrurus) from the site found at the Pemex facilities in Papantla, as well as native pastures (Panicum maximum) that grow green in a highly polluted area, which was an oil extraction field that stopped operating more than 15 years ago and that only receives maintenance.
  • The Centro de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas de Ecuador (CIBE) de la Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (Espol) have Microorganisms such as yeasts, bacterias that can reduce the soil contamination in Ecuador

    The Centro de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas de Ecuador (CIBE) de la Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (Espol) have Microorganisms such as yeasts, bacterias that can reduce the soil contamination in Ecuador
    This center counts with a collection of some fungi, bacterias and yeasts that are able to the improve the development of healthy and vigorous crops, this organisms are founded in Ecuador and the Antártida
  • Passion fruit shells are presented as a solution to clean contaminated water in Peru

    Passion fruit shells are presented as a solution to clean contaminated water in Peru
    Passion fruit shells and malt bagasse can remove metals such as lead, chromium and copper from contaminated water and thus help the environment without an expensive investment in technology.