William Harvey
Published a book of how the heart beats and how the blood is pumped across the body. -
Robert Hooke
Observed small structures in cork through a microscope and called them cells. -
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
First person to observe living cells. -
Edward Jenner
Discovered that cowpox could stop the spread of small pox. -
Thomas Malthus
Published theories on population growth: what controls it, how it increases and decreases, and what keeps it from getting to big. -
Charles Darwin
Published his theory of how organism can evolve and adapt to their environments and that we all come from one common ancestor. -
Florence Nightengale
Improved cleanliness and sterilization in hospitals and war zones to help reduce the health rate. -
Louis Pasteur
Disproved the spontaneous generating theory by boiling broth in a air tight container and after several days there was no micro organisms in the broth. -
Gregor Mendel
Finished is experiments with pea plants and discovered how genetics work today he is considered the father of genetics. -
Robert Koch
Studied anthrax and other diseases and discovered that they were caused by bacteria. -
Clara Barton
Forms the American Red Cross. -
Joseph Lister
Contributed to modern and sterilization in surgery. Also made an antiseptic medicine. -
Paul Ehrlich
Developed away for people to become immunized to some diseases. -
Sir Alexander Fleming
Discovered penicillin that was killing bacteria. -
Dr.Charles Drews
Discovered away to store blood plasma without killing the cells so that it could be used in blood transfusions. -
Erwin Chargaff
DIscovered that adenine pair with guanine and thymine pairs with cytosine. -
James Watson and Francis Crick
Put together a DNA structure with the double helix shape. -
Jonas Salk
Discovered a vaccine that treated polio disease. -
Maurice Hilleman
Discovered a new influenza A virus, it caused a pandemic. -
Albert Sabin
Made a better polio vaccine that treated more of the disease better and was easier to give.