Biology cell theory

By Hurleyy
  • Period: 300 to

    cell theory

  • 330


    He dissected animals and studied the ways that they reproduce.
  • First Microscope

    First Microscope
    Zacharias Jansen and his father, Hans invented and built the first microscope.
  • Spontanious Generation

    Spontanious Generation
    Jan Baptist van Helmont described the idea that living things come from nonliveing things, :Ex: The recipie for mice, pieces of cheese and bread wrapped in rags and left in a dark corner
  • Discovey of first cell

    Discovey of first cell
    Robert Hooke looked at thin slices of cork through a microscope and saw little boxes he called cells.
  • First living cell seen

    First living cell seen
    Anton van Leeuwenhoek saw the first living cels through a microscope.
  • All organic thing come from cells

    All organic thing come from cells
    Lorenz Oken proposes that “all organic beings originate from and consist of vesicles or cells
  • Nucleus discovered

    Nucleus discovered
    In 1831 a scientist named Robert Brown discovered the cell nucleus.
  • Cell theory used on plants

    Cell theory used on plants
    1838 Matthias Schleidens methods had led him to propose the cell theory for plants
  • Cell theory used on animals

    Cell theory used on animals
    Theodor Schwann saw the implications of Schleidens work and applied it to animals
  • Sperm and egg are cells

    Sperm and egg are cells
    Albrecht von Roeliker discovered that sperm and eggs are also cells.
  • Cells come from other cells

    Cells come from other cells
    Rudolph Virchow discovered living cells must come from from preexisting cells
  • Spontaneous Generation Disproved

    Spontaneous Generation Disproved
    Louis Pasteur used a flask experiment to disprove Spontaneous Generation. the theory that living thing come from nonliving things.