World War II
Starting in 1936 during World War II, Japanese scientists used chinese people as test subjects for various diseases. It killed over 10,000 people.October 1940 Japanese dropped paper bags filled with plague infested fleas over china. Over 400,000 people died. In 1942 1,700 out of 10,000 japanese soldiers died from plague. -
Cold War
Durning the time , there was mass confusion about biological and toxin weapons. There was no questions in these people's minds that the weapons killing people are bad enough we don't need to make them lethal. And so the outlawed them to the max and 165 countries followed in there footsteps. Since 2011, nine countries are still suspect of owning them. -
Soviet Superbugs
In russia, there was a rare case of anthrax that outbroke wildly killing 70 people instantly. After some investageting the saw fole play when almost everyone enhauled it. -
The Cults
In 1984 Rajneeshees' Indians guru followers sprinkled salmonella on salad bars throughout the country. There was reported 750 cases of food poisoning. Luckily only 45 were hospitalized. Though it wasn't there first attempt, when they were in the courthouse they put salmonella on door handles, urinal handles and produce in grocery stores but it didn't have the affect they wanted. In 1995 they released sarin gas killing 12 passengers and injuring thousands. -
Iraq's Bioweapons
Iraq took all the leathal toxins and virus. They took anthrax, botulinum toxin, and aflatoxin and out them on weapons. They had once again chemical weapons as they did in 1980s. Starting in 1989 they started producing thousands of gallons of of liquid viruses and diseases. At the start of the Iraq and Iran war, dozens of Iraq prosioners were used as expirements for the bio weapons tests. -
Anthrax Letters
Almost immediately after 9-11 another huge scare went out to Americans about people opening up there mail and finding anthrax. They really thought it was terrorism because it happened right after 9-11. Somewhat fortunately they found out it wasn't done by terrorist. It was done by what we think is an american himself and he also died to cover up his wrongs towards other americans.