William Harvey
1628-published a book on the way the heart beats and the circulation of blood -
Robert Hooke
1665-observed small structures in cork through a microscope. He called them cells. -
Edward Jenner
May 14, 1796-Jenner tested his hypothesis on whether or not cowpox could protect a person from smallpox. 1890-smallpox vaccination was pioneered by Jenner and became eradicated all over the world. -
Thomas Malthus
1798-had a theory on population growth and studied it. -
Charles Darwin
1842-came up with a theory of how organisms can evolve and adapt to the environment they are in and that we come from one common ancestor -
Florence Nightengale
1854-she made the cleanliness and sterilization in war zones and hospitals better to help reduce the health rate -
Louis Pasteur
Solved myth of spontaneous generation in 1862. He also contributed to the making of the first vaccines. -
Gregor Mendel
1863-used pea plants in his experiments and discovered how genetics work. Considered Father of Genetics -
Joseph Lister
1869-contributed to modern and antiseptic surgery. Also made an antiseptic medicine -
Clara Barton
1881- forms the American Red Cross -
Robert Koch
March 24, 1882-studied tuberculosis and made announcement that tuberculosis was caused by bacteria. -
Paul Ehrlich
1908-developed an immunity unit for diphtheria antitoxin and researched about chemotherapy and autoimmunity -
Linus Pauling
1919-studied molecular structure and the nature of the chemical bond. -
Sir Alexander Fleming
1928-he discovered penicillin working with mold that contaminated a petri dish -
Dr.Charles Drews
1940-he found a way to form blood plasma by not killing the cells and then it could be used in transfusions -
Oswald Avery
1944-discovered with help that DNA is the material from which genes and chromosomes are made -
Jonas Salk
1952-came up with the first polio vaccine. -
Francis Crick
1953-co-discoverer of the DNA molecule -
Maurice Hilleman
1957-identified a new influenza A virus, it caused a pandemic. -
Albert Sabin
1961-Came up with the first oral vaccine for the polio virus