William Harvey
describes the circulation of blood -
Jean-Baptiste Denis
successfully transfuses blood from a lamb to a human -
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
first observes living bacteria -
Thomas Malthus
Known for population growth and the effects of it -
Edward Jenner
used cowpox to immunize against smallpox -
Charles Darwin
he formed a theory to explain how evolution may take place -
Florence Nightingale
Improved sanitary methods -
Louis Pasteur
invents sterilization -
Joseph Lister
uses sterile surgical techniques -
Robert Koch
proves Bacillus anthracis causes anthrax -
Clara Barton
founded the American Red Cross -
Karl Landsteiner
determined three of four blood types (A, B and O) -
Paul Ehrlich
invents Salversan, a drug for syphilis -
Sir Alexander Fleming
discovers antibiotic effects of penicillium mold -
Bernard Fantus
formed the first blood bank -
Dr.Charles Drews
set up collection centers for blood to fill World War II needs -
Howard Florey and Ernst Chain
isolate penicillin and create first antibiotic drug -
Jonas Salk
introduced an inject able polio vaccine -
Albert Sabin
developed the live poliovirus vaccine that made eradication of the disease a possibility -
Gregor Mendel
invention of better microscopes allowed biologist to discover the basic facts of cell division and sexual reproduction