Queen Elizabeth I Timeline

  • Sep 7, 1533

    The Birth of Queen Elizabeth I

    The Birth of Queen Elizabeth I
    Queen Elizabeth I was born the daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. She was born in Greenwich in the United Kingdom along with one brother and one sister. Her one brother was Edward VI of England and her one sister was Mary I. Mary I was Queen of England before Queen Elizabeth (Queen).
  • 1547

    Queen Elizabeth I's Father dies

    Queen Elizabeth I's Father dies
    King Henry VIII was the king of England from 1509. He was born on June 28, 1491 and died in 1547. The King passed away in London, England, The United Kingdom. His son, Henry VII became king of England following the death of his father. Henry VIII was famously married six times, played a large role in the English Reformation, and helped turn his country into a Protestant nation (Henry).
  • 1547

    Conspiracy of Gian luigi Fiesco against Andrea Doria at Genca

    Conspiracy of Gian luigi Fiesco against Andrea Doria at Genca
    Gian luigi Fiesco was a genoese nobleman whose conspiracy against the Doria family is the subject of much literature (Grun 242). The major feud between the families, resulted in the differing political traditions between the two families. It was rumored that Doria’s son Giannettino was the lover of Fieschi’s wife. Later in the theory Gian Luigi Fieschi dies and Andrea Doria gains her revenge by taking over the Fieschi estates, executing Girolamo Fieschi etc (Gian).
  • 1553

    Queen Elizabeth Is Embroiled In Political Intrigue

    Queen Elizabeth Is Embroiled In Political Intrigue
    Upon the death of Edward VI Elizabeth found herself interested in politics (Queen). Edward VI was born on October 12, 1537 and he was the only legitimate son of Henry VIII. He gained the throne in 1547 at the age of ten. Edward VI's death lead to a struggle for power between the heirs, Mary and Elizabeth. This conflict led to the nine-day reign of Lady Jane Grey (Edward).
  • 1553

    Sultan Suleiman I Makes Peace With Persia (Grun 244)

    Sultan Suleiman I Makes Peace With Persia (Grun 244)
    Süleyman the Magnificent was the only son of Sultan Selim I and he succeeded his father as sultan in 1520. Süleyman waged three major campaigns against Persia.The first gave the Ottomans control over the region of Erzurum in eastern Asia. The second campaign brought the area around Lake Van under Ottoman rule, but the third served as a warning to the Ottomans of the difficulty of subduing the Ṣafavid state in Persia (Parry). Then, the first formal peace treaty was signed with persia (Grun 244).
  • 1554

    The Wyatt Rebellion of 1554

    The Wyatt Rebellion of 1554
    Thomas Wyatt organized a rebellion to make Elizabeth I the Queen. When her sister Mary, Queen of England found out about the rebellion she quickly imprisoned Elizabeth until she disputed any involvement in the conspiracy (Queen). The nobles had wanted to remove Mary from reign and put Elizabeth in her place. Then they had arranged for her to marry Edward Courtenay. The nobles had wanted to remove Mary due to the fear of England spreading catholicism once again (Trueman).
  • 1558

    Hon'ami Kōetsu Is Born

    Hon'ami Kōetsu Is Born
    Hon'ami Kōetsu was a japanese artist who was famous for his paintings (Grun 246). He was born in 1558 in Kyōto, Japan and he died on February 27, 1637.Like his father, his profession was a purveyor of swords to the imperial court. When he was granted territory in Takamine he founded an art school. Continued by Ogata Kōrinthe, the style of which was colourful and strongly decorative, recapturing the Yamato-e tradition of Japan (Hon'ami).
  • 1558

    Queen Elizabeth I Becomes Queen of England

    Queen Elizabeth I Becomes Queen of England
    Queen Elizabeth I claimed the throne at the age of 25 due to the death of her sister Queen Mary (Philips 114). Mary Tudor had taken the throne in 1553, reigning as the first queen regnant of England and Ireland. Mary had seeked to bring back the Catholic Church to England. She persecuted hundreds of Protestants and earned the nickname "Bloody Mary." She died at St. James Palace in London on November 17, 1558 (Mary).
  • 1559

    Margaret Of Parma Is Appointed Governor Of The Netherlands

    Margaret Of Parma Is Appointed Governor Of The Netherlands
    Margaret of Parma Is the sister of Philip II and the Regent in the Netherlands (Grun 246). She was born in 1522 in Oudenaarde, Spanish Netherland and she died on January 18, 1586 in Ortona, Kingdom of Naples. She was the also the duchess of Parma and attempted to keep peace and stop the growing discontent with the Spanish rule. After restoring the peace with the Spanish, she retired to Italy in 1583 (Margaret).
  • 1559

    Queen Elizabeth I Becomes The Supreme Governor Of The Church Of England

    Queen Elizabeth I Becomes The Supreme Governor Of The Church Of England
    Due to acts of supremacy and uniformity, Elizabeth is established as the Supreme Governor of the church of England (Philips 114). Queen Elizabeth re-establishment the Church of England, this was known as The Elizabethan Religious Settlement.The act of restoration was done by two Acts of Parliament, the act of supremacy and the act of uniformity. Her father and brother were titled "Head of the Church in England", but Elizabeth claimed the title of "Supreme Governor" (ELIZABETH).
  • 1570

    Queen Elizabeth I Is Excommunicated By Pope Plus IV

    Queen Elizabeth I Is Excommunicated By Pope Plus IV
    in 1570, Pope Pius V excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I of England (Grun 114). Elizabeth I ascended the throne of England after her sister Mary, and she wanted to uphold the reformed church. The Pope released all of Elizabeth's subjects from any allegiance to her and he excommunicated any that obeyed her orders. This relieved the pressure on the Catholics in England from 1580 and 1584 (Excommunication).
  • 1570

    Early Of Moray Is Assassinated

    Early Of Moray Is Assassinated
    In 1570 James Stewart was assassinated by James Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh (Grun 252). James was the son of King James V and Lady Margaret Douglas. He was born in 1531 and died on January 21, 1570. He was killed due to his support of the Calvinist reformer John Knox which went against his mother's beliefs (James).
  • Queen Elizabeth Defeats The Spanish Armada

    Queen Elizabeth Defeats The Spanish Armada
    The defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 has long been held as one of England's greatest military achievements (Macaulay 64). The kingdom showed to have great defence against the Spanish Armada. This success for England brought up a sense of English pride and nationalism (Armada).
  • Essex Beheaded For Treason

    Essex Beheaded For Treason
    In 1601 Robert Devereux, the 2nd Earl of Essex was sentenced to death by Queen Elizabeth I for treason (Philips 114). After the death of Dudley, Elizabeth transferred some of her affection to Essex by putting him in charge of a number of important military operations. Soon after Essex held his rebellion when The Queen refused to renew the lease and patent on his farm of wines. Essex soon went against the Queen's orders causing her to feel betrayed and sentenced him to death (Essex).
  • Bento Teixeira Used Prosopopeya In His Writting

    Bento Teixeira Used Prosopopeya In His Writting
    Bento Teixeira was a brazilian poet who wrote many poems including Prosopopeya (Grun 268). Bento was born in 1561 in Porto, Portugal and he died in 1618 in Lisbon, Portugal. He is considered to be the introducer of Baroque in the Portuguese colony of Brazil. Prosopopeya is similar to a metaphor like when it says "Life is smiling" (Frazão).
  • Queen Elizabeth I Dies

    Queen Elizabeth I Dies
    Queen Elizabeth I's died in 1603 from sepsis (Grun 268). Queen Elizabeth died in Richmond, Surrey, United Kingdom. It’s believed that the cosmetic concoction Elizabeth used to cultivate her infamously pale look may have impacted her health and contributed to her death. Throughout her life, the Queen was nicknamed "The Virgin Queen," due to her refusal to marry. After her death she was succeeded by King James VI of Scotland (Queen).