Biography of Gandhi

  • Gandhi was born.

    Gandhi was born.
    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on the 2nd October 1869 in Porbandar, India.
  • Entrance to university.

    He passed the entrance exam for the University of Mumbai, entering in the Samaldas school in Bhavnagar.
  • A new job.

    He accepted a one-year job with an Indian company operating in Natal, South Africa.
  • Founding a good thing.

    He founded the Natal Congress Indian Party which was an organisation that aimed to fight discrimination against Indians in South Africa.
  • Being attacked.

    He was attacked by white man and he refused to take his aggressors to justice as a clear indication of the values that he would uphold throughout his life.
  • Non-violent protests.

    The Transvaal government made a new law requiring all Indians to register. This led to a massive protest in Johannesburg, where for the first time Gandhi adopted the platform called satyagraha (attachment or devotion to the truth) which consisted of a non-violent protest.
  • The Great March.

    He organised and leaded a march that included 2037 men, 127 women and 57 children. The walked 6 kilometres to protest for the discriminatory laws of the time, racist poll taxes and marriage laws.
  • Period: to

    The Non-cooperation movement.

    He leaded a movement called the non-cooperation movement for non-violent resistance and civil disobedience to have indians revoked and their cooperation from the British government with the aim of inducing the British to grant self-governance.
  • The new president.

    He became the new Indian National Congress president and he became it to a non-violent organization. He wrote a new constitution and created a hierarchy of committees.
  • The independence.

    He wrote the Indian Declaration of Independence where it declared india's complete independence and self-rule from the British Empire.
  • Period: to

    The Salt March

    He leaded the Salt March to break the British Salt Laws because the salt tax was very expensive. There were thousands of indians in the march that was 240 miles (more or less 386 km).
  • Doing something important.

    He participated in the London Conference where he claimed the Indian independence.
  • Gandhi was killed.

    Gandhi was killed.
    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was killed on the 30th January 1948 in New Delhi, India. He was shot three times by Nathuram Godse. He killed him because he accused him of having betrayed indians by being too pro-Muslim and soft on Pakistan.