Bill Clinton

  • Birth

    Bill Clinton is born in Hope Arkansas after his father died
  • Birth

    Bill clinton was born in hope Arkansas
  • Period: to

    Bill Clinton

  • Meeting the President

    In high school as the delegate to the American legion boys nation Clinton meets president JFK
  • School years

    High school student and delegate to the American Legion Boys Nation, Clinton meets President John F. Kennedy
  • College

    Bill clinton wins a scholarship to oxford University in England
  • College

    Earns Bachelor degree from georgetown university school of foreign Service
  • College

    Wins a Rhodes Scholarship to attend Oxford University in England.
  • College

    Earns bachelor's degree from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service.
  • College

    Earns Law Degree from Yale University
  • Yale

    Earns a law degree from Yale University. Takes teaching job at University of Arkansas Law School.
  • Marriage

    Marries Hillary Rodham in Fayetteville Arkansas
  • Marrige

    Marries Hillary Rodham in Fayetteville, Ark.
  • Politics

    Elected attorney general of Arkansas
  • Politics

    Elected attorney general of Arkansas.
  • Governor

    Elected Governor of Arkansas beating Republican lynn lowe
  • Politics

    Elected governor of Arkansas, defeating Republican Lynn Lowe.
  • Child

    Hillary Clinton gives birth to their only child Chelsea
  • Daughter

    Hillary Rodham Clinton gives birth to the couple's only child, Chelsea.
  • Running For President

    On His fifth term as governor he Announces he is running for president
  • Running for President

    Amid his fifth term as governor of Arkansas, Clinton declares he's running for president.
  • Politics

    Wraps up the Democratic nomination for president.
  • Democratic

    Clinton officially becomes the party's candidate with al gore as his running mate
  • Democratic

    Clinton officially becomes the party's candidate and Al gore is his running mate
  • President Clinton

    Clinton Signs first federal budget reduced spending and increasing taxes
  • Elections

    Gets 43 percent of the popular vote and 370 electoral votes to defeat President George H.W Bush
  • Politics

    Garners 43 percent of the popular vote and 370 electoral votes to defeat President George H.W. Bush
  • President Clinton

    Clinton is sworn as the 42 president of the united states
  • President

    Clinton is sworn in as the 42nd president of the United States
  • Bills

    Clinton signs the Brady Bill, imposing a waiting period and background checks for purchasing handguns.
  • Withdrawing

    Withdraw Troops from Somalia
  • U.S Troops

    Withdraws U.S. troops from Somalia.
  • Banning Weapons

    Signs bill banning assault weapons
  • Bills

    Signs bill banning assault weapons, and funding police hiring and state anti-crime efforts.
  • Foreign Realtions

    United States and Vietnam establish diplomatic realtions
  • Safe Water

    Signs amendments strengthening the Safe water drinking act
  • Safe Water

    Signs amendments strengthening the Safe Drinking Water Act.
  • Re Elected

    Clinton Sworn into his 2nd term
  • Re elected

    Clinton sworn in to second term.
  • "I Did not have Sexual Relations with that woman"

    Bill Clinton Denies His Sexual relationship with Monica lewinsky.
  • Monica Lewinsky

    Denies sexual relationship with Lewinsky,