Bilingual Timeline

By jlilja
  • Native Alaskan Education:

    Native Alaskan Education: According to the library of congress, bilingualism and the close connection between education and commerce were to be hallmarks of the education system throughout the Russian American era heading into the American period. In addition, Ioann Veniaminov, a great educator in Russian America devised an alphabet for the Aleut language, which expanded the educational system and insisted that priests learn Native languages and customs.
  • Bilingual Education Act 93rd Congress:

    Bilingual Education Act 93rd Congress: According to that I received from the Library of Congress website, this Bilingual Education Act extends the Act of 1967-1978 with increased appropriations, which designates 35% in excess of $35 million for bilingual teacher training programs. This also shows under the Vocational Education Act, the development of bilingual education vocational programs which authorizes $40 million for the establishment of this program.
  • Bilingual Education Act Amendments, 95th Congress:

    Bilingual Education Act Amendments, 95th Congress: According to the website that I got from the Library of Congress website, the Bilingual Education Act in 1981 revises that the composition of the National Advisory Council on Bilingual Education, requires that at least two parents of children whose language proficiency is other than English should be included in the Council. In addition, this act provides a program of grants for bilingual education programs.
  • Bilingual Education and Technological Advancement Act of 2000: According to founded through the Library of Congress website, this Act authorizes the Secretary of Education to make grants to local education agencies and provide financial assistance to elementary and secondary schools for obtaining computer software for bilingual education. In addition, this Act allows grants to be used in assisting schools that meet below the poverty line and have low English proficiency criteria.
  • The Education of Non-Native Language Speaking Children: United Kingdom -

    The Education of Non-Native Language Speaking Children: United Kingdom - According to the Library of Congress, The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) in England provides guidance to teachers on teaching English as an additional language (EAL). It describes that the use of young children's first languages with peers and bilingual staff and by the provision of appropriate bilingual books and materials to support learning. Having support of EAL staff ensures the children's engagement in active learning.
  • Education of Non-native Language Speakers:

    Education of Non-native Language Speakers: According to the Law Library of Congress, there's many Scandinavian countries such as Finland, Norway, Sweden etc. that offer bilingual instruction where teachers teach in the mother language of the students who are immigrants and the language of instruction. In addition, several countries have adopted programs to teach children the language of instruction before attending compulsory education.