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Teachers must learn English
The goverment will hire first teachers that know English -
The Department of Public Instruction is created.
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Puerto Rico will conserv the Spanish and acquire the English
Primary schools will teach in Spanish and Englisha as a sperial subject. It will occurs vice versa in High school. -
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English as an official language in Puerto Rico
The use of English increance in schools with the idea of convert English Puerto Rico's official language. -
504 teachers were send to study at United States universities.
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The Spanish was suppress.
The English is used to teach in every grade. -
The English was established as the base language in every school.
This was possible thanks to the preparation of the teachers. -
The Spanish was introduced to some courses of first grade.
They recomended that the reading were made in Spanish. -
Was presented a bill to set Spanish as medium of instruction.
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The Spanish was set as meduim to teach from first to fourth grade.
The English will be used for half of the clases from fifth to eighth grade. -
World War I
The United States gives the Puerto Rican the citizenship and we participated at the war. The schools were required to teach the estudents acts of patriotism. -
United States president complains that Puerto Rican's haven't learned English.
After 38 years the Puerto Rican people haven't learned English and the oresident wanted that the education in public schools were in English, in that way the future generation will know the language. -
Spanish prevaled again until six grade.
Spanish were used as medium to teach until ninth grade.
The instruction comisioner stops the debate of bilingual education.
He decrets Spanish as medium for teaching in every grade. -
The program "Educacion Bilingue" was established.
Puerto Rico asked for federal funds to help students that come from United States, this program was "Educacion Bilingue" -
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Bilingual proyects were implemented in Puerto Rico
The programs of "Educacion Bilingue" in Puerto Rico was focused towards the Spanish learning.
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Puerto Rican school had 84,834 students from US.
The proyects of the program "Educacion Bilingue" were transfered to the department of English.
The Certification of Bilingual Education.
This certification had not been fully implemented. -
There are 15,436 students from US in the schools of Puerto Rico.
Spanish was declared the official language
Later the governor of Puerto Rico established that English and Spanish were the officil languages. -
7,657 of Puerto Ricans students come from United States.
The govrnment is installing a bilingual curriculum in 31 schools
Also they are reinforcing English-Spanish curriculum in 35 schools.