1900 BCE
W1 Our Fathers and Mother’s (Patriarchs and Matriarchs) followed HaShem
Abraham and Sarah followed HaShem, then Yitzach and Rivkah, followed by Ya’akov, Leah, and Rachel -
Period: 1900 BCE to 1280 BCE
I. A.) Humble Beginnings
The period of Jewish History when the faith of one family transforms into the faith of a nation. -
Period: 1290 BCE to 1224 BCE
Rameses II Pharoah of Egypt
1280 BCE
W1 Moses Led Us from Egypt to Sinai
Moses confronted Pharoah of Egypt, HaShem issued the ten plagues, resulting in the Exodus from Egypt, an event commemorated each year at Pesach. At the “First” Shavuot/Feast of Week’s, the Torah was given to the Jews and all who had accompanied them from Egypt. This act turned the “First Hebrew family” into the Jewish Nation, with the Torah to help us know how to love HaShem and love each other. -
Period: 1280 BCE to 1000 BCE
Mishkan in the Wilderness
The Mishkan was a temporary home for HaShem amoung the Jewish people. It was the focal point of the community and center of worship until Solomon built the first Temple. -
1250 BCE
W1 Joshua Conquered Ca’annan
Beginning with the Walls of Jericho, Joshua and the army of Israel wage war on their conquest of the Holy Land. The Era of the Elders ends in approximately 1228 BCE. They were a part of the chain of Torah transmission as listed at the beginning of Pirkei Avot. "Moses received the Torah from Sinai and gave it over to Joshua. Joshua gave it over to the Elders, and the Elders to the prophets. In 1200 BCE, the 12 Tribes settle in the land. -
Period: 1250 BCE to 1000 BCE
I. B.) Period of Philistine Conflict
During this time, the Jewish people are fighting to establish peaceful boarders in the Holy Land. They dispossess many native Caananites, and endure many battles with the Philistines until they eventually have peace under King David. -
1200 BCE
W1 Period of the Judges
From c. 1200 to c.1020, HaShem ruled over Israel via Judges, who were Military leaders, Teachers and Prophets. Namely: Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon and Samson. https://overviewbible.com/judges-of-israel/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jc6qBvLegzI -
1050 BCE
W1 The Holy Monarchy
Samuel anoints King Saul, King David and secretly King Solomon during his time as a prophet to The Jewish People.
King Solomon builds the Temple in accordance with the instructions from HaShem, completing the work his father started. King Solomon is the 3rd United Monarch, following Saul and David, and the Nation of Israel split into Northern and Southern Kingdoms shortly after his death.
During his reign he penned the following books of the Bible:
Song of Songs
Ecclesiastes -
Period: 924 BCE to 715 BCE
I.C.) Division of Israel and Judah (Northern and Southern Kingdoms)
During this period of time, there is civil war, and division concerning the priesthood and the monarchy. -
922 BCE
W1 The Division of Judah from Israel
922 BCE Rehoboam reigns in Judah, Jerobaom in Israel. 873 BCE Jehoshaphat in Judah, Ahab and Jezebel in Israel. -
922 BCE
W1 Israel’s prophets Elijah, Elisha and Jonah
Historians estimate Jonah went to Nineveh c. 922 BCE
C. 873 BCE Elijah was a prophet to Israel under Ahab and Jezebel
C. 869 BCE Elisha was a prophet to Israel. -
842 BCE
W2 Ataliah Reigns in Judah, Jehu reigns in Israel
783 BCE
W2 Uzziah reigns in Judah, Jeroboam II in Israel
C 783 Uzziah in Judah
C. 786 Jeroboam II in Israel -
735 BCE
W2 Ahaz reigns in Judah, Hosea reigns in Israel
C. 735 BCE Ahaz in Judah
C. 732 BCE Hosea in Israel -
721 BCE
W2 Israel Falls to Assyria, the Ten Tribes are Scattered
715 BCE
W2 Isaiah and Micah are prophets, Hezekiah King of Judah, Sennacherib beseiges
Sennacherib of Assyria besieges Jerusalem. -
Period: 715 BCE to 588 BCE
I. D.) Assyrian Rule
The Assyrians conquered the Holy Land and ruled over the Jews until the Babylonians conquered Assyria. -
640 BCE
W2 Josiah in Judah, The Battle of Megiddo, Daniel goes to Babylon
Briefly returning the people to HaShem, Josiah “cleans house.” -
597 BCE
W2 Jehoiachin exiled, Zedekiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Fall of Jerusalem
Jehoiachin exiled to Babylon, and Zedekiah left as a “Puppet King” to Judah under Babylon.
Jeremiah (author of both Jeremiah and Lamentations) and Ezekiel are prophets in Judah, both witnessing the Destruction of Jerusalem and finality of the Babylonian Exile. -
587 BCE
W3 Babylonian Exile Began, 1st Temple Destroyed
Period: 587 BCE to 539 BCE
II.A.) Babylonian Rule
539 BCE
W3 Cyrus of the Persians Conquers Babylon, the Jews Return and Rebuild
539 BCE Cyrus conquers Babylon
588 BCE Jews return and rebuild -
Period: 539 BCE to 333 BCE
II. B.) Persian Rule
404 BCE
W3 Zerubabel, Ezra, Nehemiah, The Men of the Great Assembly, Esther and Purim, Zerubable, Ezra, Nehemiah and the Men of the Great Assembly, Alexander the Great conquers the Holy Land
522 Zerubabel was Governor of Judah
458 Ezra
445 Nehemia
Ezra and Nehemiah restore the Torah to the People
The Men of the Great Assembly.
404 Esther and Purim
332 Alexander the Great conquers the Holy Land -
Period: 333 BCE to 62 BCE
II. C.) Hellenic Rule
250 BCE
W3 The Helens and Zugot, Ptolemy and the Septuagint, Antiochus IV Epiphenes Removes the High Priest, Judaism Banned in the Land
250 BCE Ptolemy and the Septugiant
175 BCE Antiochus IV Epiphanes deposed High Priest Onias III
167 BCE Judaism banned in the Holy Land -
Period: 170 BCE to 10
The Zugot Era
The Zugot (or pairs) was a period of time when the Jewish people were led by pairs of sages, one as the Nasi, and one as the Av Din (fact check this) -
167 BCE
W3 Maccabean Revolt, R. Yose ben Yoezer, R. Yose ben Yochanan
167 BCE A small priestly family, the Maccabees, started a revolt against the Greeks, in an attempt to take back the Temple, and save the people from Hellenism.
Rabbi Yose ben Yoezer
Rabbi Yose ben Yochanan
Some Jews are in Calabria, Italy. -
164 BCE
W3 2nd Temple Rededicated, Maccabean conquest of Jerusalem and Treaty with Rome, No, No not a Maccabean High Priest
164 BCE On the 25th of Kislev, the Temple was rededicated and the menorah lit, and the oil burned for 8 days.
161 Maccabean conquest of Jerusalem and Treaty with Rome
152 Johnathan Maccabee becomes the High Priest, a direct violation of the Torah. Despite being from a priestly family, Johnathan Maccabee was not eligible to be the High Priest because he was already serving as Israel’s Military Leader and “Governor.” -
134 BCE
W3 R. Joshua ben Perachiah, R. Nittai of Arbella, R. Yehuda ben Tabbai, R. Simeon ben Shetach and Roman King Jannaeus
134 BCE Rabbi Joshua ben Perachiah
And Rabbi Nittai of Arbella
103 BCE Rabbi Yehuda ben Tabbai
Rabbi Simeon ben Shetach
Roman King Alexander Jannaeus -
63 BCE
W4 Rome controls Judea, Herodian Dynasty of Terror
Period: 63 BCE to 399
II.D.) Roman Rule
37 BCE
W4 R. Hillel the Elder and R. Shammai
20 BCE
W4 Philo, the Essenes, The Zealots and Qumran
There were MANY different sects of Judaism all vying for powers during this period. The Saducees were basically the corrupt Helens with rebranding. -
19 BCE
W4 Herod rebuilds the Temple
Period: 10 to 210
The Tannatic Era
W4 Roman Provinces: Judea, Samaria, Idumea and the “Jewish Tax”
W4 Pilate crucifies Jesus “the Christ,” Rabbi Akiva
W4 2nd Temple Destroyed, Sanhedrin moves to Yavne
Jerusalem was also destroyed, and the center of Jewish life was relocated. First to Yavneh (a small city with a Rabbinic school located close to where the Ben Gurion Airport is today). Rabbenu Yohanan ben Zakkai began the process of reconstruction Judaism without a Temple or a King. (This was also the future school of Rabbi Akiva) -
W5 R. Shimon ben Yochai, The Fall of Massada
W5 The Era of the Tannaim and R. Yochanan ben Zakkai
Also known as Ribaz -
W5 R. Gamaliel II (of Yavne) and the TaNaKh Formed
80 CE Gamaliel II of Yavne
The TaNaKh was formed
100 CE Jews fled to Calabria -
W5 Bar Kokhba Revolt, Sanhedrin in Galilee, Rabbi Meir and the Amoraim
Rabbi Akiva and others endorsed the Bar Kokhba Revolt, due to a swell in Messianic expectations. They won a short period of freedom. By 135, the revolt had ended, and Jewish life in Judea was over due to a overwhelming number of persecutions. This created the pressure to complete the Mishnah.
139 CE Rabbi Meir ba’al HaNess
The Amoraic Era -
W5 R. Judah the Prince redacts the Mishnah, Jews are Roman Citizens
The Oral Law was given from Rabbi to student until Rabbi Yehuda Ha Nasi (R. Judah the Prince) foresaw a season of Judaism when a written code of practice would be necessary to survive. Despite the apprehension of his contemporaries, he began to document the Mishnah. Mishnah is the first layer of the Talmud and means “study by repetition” and elucidates many things which are described in the Torah. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/mishnah/ 212 CE Jews become Roman Citizens -
Period: 211 to 500
The Amoraic Era
W5 Sassanid Dynasty, Constantine and Christianity
226 CE Sassanid Dynasty In Persia
306 CE Constantine and Christianity -
W5 Edict of Milan, Hillel II, The Jerusalem Talmud
306 CE The Edict of Milan blames the Jews for the death of Jesus the Christ
359 CE Rabbi Hillel II created the Jewish Calendar (as we know it today) effectively severing all ties to the Holy Land and making full exile possible.
380 CE The Jerusalem Talmud
390 CE Piyutim -
W6 Under Neopersian rule, the Rabbis wrote Midrash
Period: 400 to 621
II.E.) Neopersian Rule
W6 Theodoric the Great protects the Jews
The Italian King, Theodoric the Great, protects the Jews in Italy. -
W6 Byzantine and Sassanid Empires collide
W6 The Code of Justinian
534 CE Byzantine Emporer Justinian writes the Justinian Code -
W6 R. Ravina and Rav Ashi complete the Babylonian Talmud
Period: 501 to 588
The Savoraic Era
W6 Geonim and the Responsora
Period: 589 to 1099
The Geonic and Responsora Era
W6 Persians capture the Holy Land
Period: 622 to 1138
III.A. Islamic Rule over Sephardic Jews
W7 Arabs Conquer Jerusalem, Visigoths in Spain
622 CE Muhammad and Hijra
638 CE Jerusalem conquered by Arabs
694 CE Visigoths in Spain outlawed Judaism
765 CE Khazars and Anan begin Karaite movement. -
W7 Golden Age of Sephardic Jewry
800 CE Ashkenazi culture begins
882 CE Saadia Gaon vs Karaites
900 CE Golden Age of Sephardic Jewry -
W7 Masoretic Text, Muslims in Spain
930 CE Masoretic Text, and Muslims in Spain, Calabria devastated
950 CE Ashkenazim prohibit bigamy, Yiddish spoken
970 CE "Sefer haMirkahot" by Italian Jew Shabbetai Donnolo -
W7 RASHI in Troyes, Turks in Jerusalem
1040 CE Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki writes a commentary to the Torah, Mishnah and other works during his lifetime (1040-1105) mostly while the community Rabbi of Troyes, France. He is the “Father” of the TOSAFOT (meaning “additions”) usually his students and offspring, or grandchildren.
1066 CE Jews Immigrate to England and William the Conquerer
1070 CE Yeshiva in Troyes, France
1071 CE Turks in Jerusalem -
W7 RaShBaM in France, Crusaders Conquer Jerusalem
1075 CE Rabbi Judah HaLevi
1085 CE RaShBaM (Rabbi Samuel ben Meir) is another grandson of Rashi’s and the brother of Rabbenu Tam. He is the author of a famous Torah commentary.
1099 CE Turks in Jerusalem
1100 Rabbenu Tam (Rabbi Yakov Ben Meir) is Rashi’s grandson and lived in the French town of Ramerupt. -
Period: 1100 to 1499
The Rishonim Era
W7 RAMBAM in Morocco, then Egypt
1138 RAMBAM taught in Morocco, then Egypt. -
W7 Byzantine Jewish Guilds, crusaders massacre Jews in Rhineland
1144 CE Byzantine Jewish Guilds and Blood Libel in Norwich
1147 CE Crusaders massacre Jews in Rhineland
1152 CE Frederick I Barbarossa Holy Roman Emperor -
Period: 1144 to 1499
III.B. Christian Rule in Europe
W8 Pope Innocent, Salidin Conquers Jerusalem, British Jews Become Knights
1160 CE Innocent II becomes the Pope
1187 CE Salidin conquers Jerusalem
1201 CE British Jews become knights -
W8 Jewish "Serfs", The Talmud is Burned
1215 CE Magna Carta, European Jews become "serfs" of the church
1242 CE Talmud burned as blasphemy in Paris -
W8 Poland Protects Ashkenazim, Kabbalah and Nachmanides in Jerusalem
1264 CE Ashkenazim are protected in Poland'
1265 CE Kabbalah in Jerusalem
1266 CE Charles I of Anjou introduced antisemitism to Calabria, Italy
1267 CE Nachmanides in Jerusalem
1269 CE Merinid Dynasty takes control of Morocco, Charles the II forced conversions in Italy -
W8 The Jews Expelled from England, The Black Death, France Expels and Recalls the Jews
1290 CE Rabbi Bahya writes a PaRDes commentary on the Parsha, Jews are Expelled from England
1347-1350 CE The Black Death
1385 CE Union of Poland and Lithuania, France expels, recalls, expels, recalls the Jews. -
W8 Conversos in Spain, The Jews Final Expulsion from France, Tortosa Disputation
1391 CE Conversos in Spain
1394 CE The Jews Final Expulsion from France
1413-1414 CE Tortosa Disputation -
W8 Turks Capture Constantinople, Hebrew Books, Spanish Inquisition Funds Columbus and His Three Ships
1453 CE Turks Capture Constantinople
1475 CE 1st Hebrew Books printed, Blood Libel of Trent, Abraham ben Garton and the Hebrew Bible
1481 CE 50% of Calabria, Italy is Jewish
1478-1492 Spanish Inquisition
1492 Columbus sails to the Carribean -
W8 Jews Move to Turkey and Italy, Mass Conversions to Christianity in Portugal
1492 CE some Jews move to Calabria, Italy and some to Turkey, 1494 CE Jewish "Cafarone" destroyed in Calabria
1497 CE Mass conversions to Christianity in Portugal -
Period: 1500 to
The Acharonim Era
Also known as the Modern Era of Rabbinic teaching -
W9 Turks Conquer Jerusalem, Protestant Reformation
1516 Turks Conquer Jerusalem
1517 Protestant vs Catholic (Protestant Reformation)
1527 RAMAK born
1534 The "ARI" born
1540 Jews expelled from Calabria -
Period: 1516 to
IV. Age of Exploration and Absolutism
While Christian Europe is conquering the Americas, Jews go inward. -
W9 Suleiman Builds Jerusalem, Inquisition in Portugal
1542 Suleiman the Magnificent builds the walls of Jerusalem
1547 The Inquisition is fully operational in Portugal
1551 Council of Four Lands in Poland -
W9 Jews in Ghettos, Talmud burns, Shulchan Aruch by Karo
1553 13 MarCheshvan Jews in Ghettos in Venice and Talmud burnings
1554 Hebrew books censored
1555 Pope Paul IV forced Jews in ghettos and instituted Yellow Badges
1565 Shulchan Aruch was written by Karo -
W9 Jews Expelled from Papal States, Isaac Luria in Safed
1569 Jews Expelled from Papal States
1570 Isaac Luria (Lurianic Kabbalah) in Safed -
W9 Marranos in Amsterdam, Religious Freedom in Netherlands
1590 Marranos in Amsterdam
1581 Netherlands becomes independent of Spain, Religious Freedom in Netherlands -
W9 30 years War, Persian Jews forced to convert to Islam
1618-48 The 30 years War devastated Europe
1622 Persian Jews forced to convert to Islam
1639 Ottoman Turks capture Iraq from Persia -
W9 "Chmiel the Wicked" in Poland, Jews in New York, USA
1648 "Chmiel the Wicked" Bogdan Chmielnicki led the Cossack uprising against Polish rule in Ukraine which led to the destruction of hundreds of Jewish communities in Poland
1649 Puritan Revolution in England
1654 Jews in New York City, USA -
W10 Jews Return to England, Excommunication of Spinoza
1655 Jews Return to England
1656 Excommunication of Spinoza, Jews massacred in Polish War
1665 Jews in the East and West India Trading Companies, and Shabbatei Zevi proclaims himself the Messiah -
Period: to
V Age of Enlightenment
W10 Turks Besiege Vienna, Locke Advocates for Religious Tolerance
1683 Turks Besiege Vienna marking the decline of Ottoman power in Eastern Europe
1689 Locke Advocates for Religious Tolerance to Jews
1720 Vilna Gaon was born -
W10 Chassidim and the Ba'al Shem Tov, RAMCHAL in Italy
1740 Chassidim and the Ba'al Shem Tov
1746 RAMCHAL was born in Italy -
W10 Mitnagdim Oppose Chassidim, Lisbon Earthquake, 1st US Synagogue
1750 Mitnagdim Oppose Chassidim
1755 Lisbon Earthquake
1763 1st US Synagogue -
W10 Birth of Rabbi Nachman, Vilna Rabbis Excommunicate Chassidim
1764 Birth of Rabbi Nachman, End of the Council of 4 Lands
1772 1st Partition of Poland, Jews of Eastern Polan under Russian Rule, Vilna Rabbis Excommunicate Chassidim -
Period: to
VI Industrial Age and the Resurrection of the State of Israel
W10 Haskalah and Moses Mendelson, Russian Jewish Merchant Guilds
1775 Haskalah and Moses Mendelson,
1776 US Independence
1778 Jewish Merchants admitted to guilds in Russia -
W10 Edict of Tolerance, French Jews have Civil Rights, Catherine the Great establishes the Pale of Settlement
1782 Joseph II of Germany and the Holy Roman Empire issue an Edict of Tolerance
1789 French Revolution
1791 France grants civil rights to Jews have Civil Rights, Catherine the Great establishes the Pale of Settlement in Western Russia
1795 3rd Partition eliminates Poland -
W11 Napoleon Captures Egypt, Frees the Jews, Rabbi Nachman moves to Breslov
1798 Napoleon captures Egypt, but not Jerusalem, grants freedom to the Jews,
1802 Rabbi Nachman moves to Breslov -
W11 Napoleon's Sanhedrin, End of the Holy Roman Empire
1806 Napoleon convenes a Sanhedrin, An Assembly of Jewish Notables, and the End of the Holy Roman Empire
1810 18 Tishrei, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov dies in Uman -
W11 Napoleon Invades Russia, Congress of Vienna, Anti Jewish Laws
1812 Napoleon Invades Russia, War of 1812 in America
1815 Congress of Vienna, Anti Jewish Laws -
W11 Hamburg Temple and the Hep! Hep! Riots
1818 the First Reform Temple is inaugurated in Hamburg, Germany 1819 Hep! Hep! Riots in Germany
1821 Greek War of Independence -
W11 Montefiore Visits the Holy Land, Jerusalem taken by Muhammad of Egypt
1827 Montefiore Visits the Holy Land, Chevurah and Khappers
1830 France conquers Algiers and Morocco
1831 Jerusalem taken by Muhammad of Egypt -
W11 Hirsch and Neo-Orthodoxy, Damascus Blood Libel
1836 Hirsch and Neo-Orthodoxy,
1837 Montefiore Knighted
1840 Damascus Blood Libel -
W11 Turks Appoint Chief Rabbi, German Jews Immigrate to the US, Tunisian Constitution Grants Jews Full Civil Rights
1841 Turks Appoint Chief Rabbi in Jerusalem
1848 European Revolutions increase German Jewish Immigration to the US
1857 Tunisian Constitution Grants Jews Full Civil Rights
1860 Alliance Israelite Universelle Founded in Paris -
W12 US Civil War, Hess Publishes "Rome and Jerusalem," Montefiore visits Morocco
1861 US Civil War
1862 Moses Hess publishes "Rome and Jerusalem"
1863 Montefiore visits Morocco -
W12 Marx publishes "Das Kapital," Rome's Ghetto Abolished, Franco-Prussian War, Russian Jews Move Westward
1867 Marx publishes "Das Kapital"
1870 Rome's Ghetto Abolished, Jews of Algeria become French Citizens, Franco-Prussian War
1871 Pogrom in Odessa, Russian Jews go West -
W12 Union of American Hebrew Congregations Established
1873 Union of American Hebrew Congregations Established
1874 Disraeli
1875 Graetz's Jewish History
1878 Petach Tikva Founded in the Holy Land
1879 Nietsche -
W12 Eastern European Jews Flock to America, 1st Aliyah to the Holy Land
1881 Eastern European Jews Flock to America, Pogroms in Southern Russia, Assasination of Czar Alex II, Eliazer Ben-Yehuda to the Holy Land
1882 1st Aliyah to the Holy Land, Pinsker publishes "Auto Emancipation," Bilu Organized, Rishon Le Zion Founded -
W12 Modern Hebrew Language Born, The Dryfuss Affair, Herzl publishes "The Jewish State"
1888 Modern Hebrew Language Born,
1889 Hitler born
1890 Kishnev Pogrom, Baron Maurice De Hirsch
1893 The Dryfuss Affair,
1895 American Jewish Federation
1896 Herzl publishes "The Jewish State" -
W12 Herzl and the 1st World Jewish Congress, 2nd Aliyah to the Holy Land
1897 Herzl and the 1st World Jewish Congress
1900 Yiddish and Hebrew writers of the 20th Century
1901 JNF
1902 US Conservative Synagogues, 2nd Aliyah to the Holy Land
1904 Herzl dies -
W12 Einstein and Yiddish Theater, Peak Immigration of Eastern European Jews to the US, Tel Aviv Founded, Beilus' "Ritual Murder" trial in Russia
1905 Einstein and Yiddish Theater,
1906 Peak Immigration of Eastern European Jews to the US,
American Jewish Committee
1909 Tel Aviv Founded,
1911 Beilus' "Ritual Murder" trial in Russia
1913 B'nei Brith -
W13 WWI, British Capture of Jerusalem, Weizman and the Balfour Declaration
1914 WWI British Capture of Jerusalem, Weizman and the Balfour Declaration, Russian Revolution, Salonika Fire -
Period: to
VII Hashoah
W13 American Jewish Congress, 3rd Aliyah to the Holy Land, League of Nations, British Mandate Begins, The Maran is born, Weizman of the 12th Zionist Congress
1918 American Jewish Congress
1919 3rd Aliyah to the Holy Land
1920 League of Nations, British Mandate Begins, The Maran (Rabbi Ovadia Yosef) is born, Arab riots in Jerusalem, Haganah formed
1921 Weizman is President of the 12th Zionist Congress -
W13 Ottoman Empire Becomes Modern Turkey, Stalin Purges, 4th Aliyah to the Holy Land, E. European Immigration Ends, "Mein Kampf" published
1923 Ottoman Empire Becomes Modern Turkey
1924 Stalin Purges, 4th Aliyah to the Holy Land, E. European Immigration to the US Ends, YIVO Technion and Jerusalem Universities
1925 "Mein Kampf" published, revisionism -
W13 Stock Market Crash, Arabs not in Jerusalem, Hebron and Safed Massacres, US Reconstructionist Synagogues, Iraq Independence, FDR US President
1929 Stock Market Crash, Arabs not in Jerusalem, Hebron and Safed Massacres,
1930 US Reconstructionist Synagogues,
1931 Irgun Founded
Iraq Independence, FDR US President -
W13 Nazi boycott against Jews in Germany, Hitler becomes Chancellor, Nuremberg Laws, Arab riots, Adin Steinsaltz born
1933 Nazi boycott against Jews in Germany, Hitler becomes Chancellor,
1935 Nuremberg Laws,
1936 Arab riots, Adin Steinsaltz born, Peel Commission proposes partition of Holy Land. -
W13 Martin Buber in Holy Land, Kristallnacht in Germany, Austria Annexed to Germany, racial laws in Italy
1938 Martin Buber in Holy Land, Kristallnacht in Germany, Austria Annexed to Germany, racial laws in Italy, Czechoslovakia partitioned -
W13 WWII, Pograms in Poland, MacDonald white Paper
1939 WWII, Pograms in Poland, MacDonald white Paper, Hungarian Jews lose citizenship -
W14 Mir Yeshiva moved from Poland to Japan, Jabotinsky dies, Mussolini's Internment Camp, Ghettos in Poland
1940 Mir Yeshiva moved from Poland to Japan, Jabotinsky dies, Mussolini's Internment Camp, Ghettos in Poland, French Vichy regime imposes discriminatory laws against Jews -
W14 Pearl Harbor Bombed, 1st Death Camp at Chelmno, Palmach Organized
1941 Pearl Harbor Bombed, 1st Death Camp at Chelmno, Palmach Organized, Jews prohibited from leaving Germany
1942 Wannsee Conference -
W14 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Danish Jews Smuggled to Sweden, German Defeat at Stalingrad and N. Africa, Italy Surrenders
1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Danish Jews Smuggled to Sweden, German Defeat at Stalingrad and N. Africa, Italy Surrenders -
W14 Extermination of Hungarian Jews, Jewish Brigade Formed, Nuclear Bombs End WWII, UN Formed, Liberation of Concentration Camps
1944 Extermination of Hungarian Jews, Jewish Brigade Formed, Normandy landing, Revisionists attack, British in the Holy Land
1945 Nuclear Bombs End WWII, UN Formed, Liberation of Concentration Camps, Arab League Formed -
W14 Illegal Immigrants to Israel blocked by the British Royal Navy, Germany Surrenders
1945 Illegal Immigrants to Israel blocked by the British Royal Navy, Germany Surrenders -
W14 Nuremberg trials, King David Hotel Bombed, Israel's Independence! Rabbi Lord Johnathan Sacks born
1946 Nuremberg trials, King David Hotel Bombed,
1947 Israeli Independence War, Anti-Jewish violence in the Middle East, UN votes to partition Holy Land, Dead Sea Scrolls,
1948 Israel's Independence, Rabbi Lord Johnathan Sacks born -
W14 1st Knesset Opens, Prime Minister Ben Gurion, Eichman Trial, Steinsaltz Founded the Israel Institute for Talmudic Publications
1949 1st Knesset Opens, Prime Minister Ben Gurion, "Peaceful Co-existence" plan rejected, cease-fire w/Arabs, Yemenite and Iraqi Jews flown to Israel
1954 Moshe Sharett is Prime Minister, mass emigration from Morocco
1956 Sinai Campaign
1961 Eichman Trial,
1965 Steinsaltz Founded the Israel Institute for Talmudic Publications -
W15 The Vatican declares Jews innocence. Agnon Won the Nobel Prize
1965 The Vatican declares Jews innocent regarding the death of Jesus.
1966 Agnon Won the Nobel Prize for Literature -
W15 Six Day War, Prime Minister Golda Meir, The War of Attrition begins, Munich Olympics, Yom Kippur War
1967 Six Day War, Hungarian Revolution
1969 Prime Minister Golda Meir, The War of Attrition begins,
1972 Munich Olympics,
1973 Yom Kippur War, "The Maran" is named Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel -
W15 Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Camp David Accords
1977 Prime Minister Menachem Begin, USSR Jewish Activists, Sadat in Jerusalem
1978 Camp David Accords
1981 Sadat Assasinated -
W15 "Peace in the Galilee," Prime Minister Shamir, Operation "Moses"
1982 "Peace in the Galilee,"
1983Prime Minister Shamir,
1984 Operation "Moses" -
W15 Pope John Paul II declared Judaism intrinsic to Christianity
1986 Pope John Paul II declared Judaism intrinsic to Christianity after visiting a Synagogue in Rome.
1988 King Hussein renounces claim to West Bank, Palestinian State -
W15 Prime Minister Rabin, Olso Accord, Palestinian Authority created, Prime Minister Peres
1992 Prime Minister Rabin
1993 Olso Accord, Palestinian Authority created,
1994 Peace treaty with Jordan
1995 Rabin Assassinated, Prime Minister Peres, 1st Elections by Palestinian Authority -
W15 Prime Minister Netanyahu, COVID 19, Prime Minister Bennett, Am Yisrael CHAI!!!
1996 Prime Minister Netanyahu
2007 Calabria, Italy consecrates the 1st Synagogue in 500 years
2010 Koren Publishes all of Steinsaltz's work
2020 COVID 19,
2021 Prime Minister Bennett,
Present Day: Am Yisrael CHAI!!!