Council of Nicea
The people had a debate about Jesus and many things about him. It had been decided that Ariansim should be condemned and that Jesus was declared that he Homoousios. -
Council of Chalcedon
This coucil filled with many members and bishops had the purpose of defining the Nature of God. -
Benedicts Rule
Benedcits rule was a rule that had stated that monastacism is a way of life and that in only has one purpose and that purpose is onself promotes his self solely to his work. -
Apr 28, 1054
The Skizm of 1054
The Skizm of 1054 was really important because it was where the churched had slpit. The Eastern and WEstern churches didn't agree with what they were doing and they thought that they were more powerful than the others even though they weren't -
Apr 28, 1521
Diet of Worms
This event was where Martin Luther had to recant for what he had tought and written to the people but he didn't and then he had been looked down upon the pope and the other high ranking members. This event showed him standing up for God, and not the fake things that the church was doing. -
The Conversioin of the Wesleys
The Wesleys had renwed the doctrined grace of God's grace that had gone stale in the church and in the city and had sent these to the working class. He then applied the doctrines to many people so they can learn etc.. -
Fall Of Jerusalem
Jerusalem had got captured by the roman armies and it had been burned down. This was the first time that it had ever been taken over and it had been taken over for a while. -
Charlemagne Crowned
Charlemagne was crowned by the pope and the pope didnt have th power to to that. The pope thought that he had the most power and he doesn't but he with all of the people just went with it and they didn't really mind it until it created a problem.