Grandma (dad's side)
She always took care and played with me when I was younger. She comes to our house to cook dinner on Wednesday. -
He take cares of me well. His job is doing investments. He always like to tell me stories. Teach me lessons about how to live. -
My mom always takes good care of me. Even though she has quite a rigid personality, I know what she does to me is for my good -
He's the grandpa from my mom's side. He was a co-founder and pastor at north alliance church. He's always very generous and friendly to us -
My sister is called Audrey. Her personality is quite opposite to mine, we use to have a bit of sibling rivalry, but we're mainly still fine with each other. -
Discovered to have ADHD
A doctor discovered me to be diagnosed with ADHD. From then on, I have to use an ADHD pill on school days, I currently use ritalin. Besides ADHD, I also have OCD. -
Started swimming
When I was 4, my mom forced me to go to swimming classes. I was initially scared of putting my head in the water. Bu then I overcame my fears and currently I do swimming as my main sport -
Started to attend Kau Yan School
I studied there for the most part of primary school. The teachers there are kind and encouraging. I studied there until 2013 when I came to ICS -
Gloria Leung
She was the head at my previous school. She's always very warm and welcoming. She's the one who recommended me to switch schools to ICS. -
ICGT program
I was doing math in this program from 2008-2017. It's designed so that I can advance in my maths -
Started to learn music
at the age of 7, my mom made me start playing cello, and I currently have grade 8 in cello -
Joining MYO
When I was a beginner at cello, I joined this orchestra that has weekly rehearsals, it really gives me a chance to be on stage performing, I still play for them as of now -
First swimming competition
Back when I was 8, I remember competing in the 50 freestyle and 50 backstroke. I got first for both of them because it's not competitive at all. I can now swim almost twice as fast compared to when I was 8. -
Feilie Fung
He's the homeroom teacher for my class at my previous school. He always encourage me in class since I have problems with sustaining my attention. -
Samuel Wong
He's my first friend when I switched schools to ICS in 5th grade, we both really like math. He moved to Cali after 6th grade. But I still try to see him whenever I go to Cali. for vacation -
Mr. Ross
He was a band teacher at ICS until 2017. He's a very strict guy, but he did gave me an opportunity to participate. in the AMIS band festival -
I started to study at ICS
I started to study at ICS as a 5th grader. Compared to my previous school, ICS devotes much more time to Bible-related stuff, compared to my previous school which only had bible class once a week. -
In 6th grade, I became friends with SL when we worked on a PE project together. I'm always kind of shy and still didn't have many friends back then, he was really friendly and initiated conservation with me. -
I started going to church with school friends
I switched to On Shing Church in Ma On Shan because SL invited me to come and I also find the adult worship with my parents in my previous church boring. In this church, I get to be in Sunday school with my school friends and we have much more activities besides just sitting there listening. -
Went to AMIS in phillippines
In March 2017, I was selected to represent ICS for the AMIS music festival.