2000 BCE
Religous stories begin to spread around Israel
1700 BCE
Jacob migrates from Canaan to Israel
1500 BCE
The oppression of Hebrews is seen in Egypt
1290 BCE
Hebrews migrated from Egypt to Palestine
930 BCE
The Hebrews split up into to kingdoms; Israel in the north and Judah in the south.
742 BCE
The book is Isaiah was written
721 BCE
The Assyrian empire falls to Egypt, so Israel is forced to face Egypt
700 BCE
The books are Genesis are compiled
550 BCE
Priest writers write the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible
538 BCE
The Jewish community re-establishes in Israel
333 BCE
The Greeks gain power over Palestine
63 BCE
Romans gain power over Palestine
Jesus Christ is born
Jesus Christ is crucified by the Romans
The Jewish rebel against Rome