Fall of Jerusalem
The city of Jerusalem fell to the state of Rome. It pushed the church outwardly. The fall also continued in the separation from Judaism. It also left the church needing to establish a firm foundation and 3 methods were put into place. -
Councils of Nicea
It was the first worldwide gathering of the church and they were called to make a final decision on Jesus' divinity.It was called together by the Roman Emporer Constantine. They also adopted two views. The Nicene Creed was also established. -
Council of Chalcedon
The council was called together to discuss the nature of Christ. They said that Jesus' 2 natures work together and he is fully God and fully man. Extra-biblical terms are used to expound on ideas on scripture. It was a significant turn in the Christian debates. -
St. Benedict's Rule
it was a book written in 530 AD that describes various Monastic practices to live a life of a Spiritual athlete. They also have a great vigor of Monastism, it was a driving force for a very long time. Monasticsm was highly looke upon and valued by the normal people. -
Apr 1, 1054
The Great Schism of 1054
This schism marked the first official split in the church. Papal authority was the main argument that was brought about that caused the divide. Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox were divided even further once the Crusades took place. -
Apr 17, 1521
Diet of Worms
Martin Luther would not recant his wirtings in 1521 in front of the emporer at the city of Worms. It led to the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation with the splitting of the church. It also started the modern wold evangelical church. -
Conversion of the Wesleys
The Wesleys went out in barns, private houses and other locations to preach the word of God. John Wesley preacehd 40,000 sermons in his lifepsan! Overall, the Wesleys renewed a staleness in the church, and the church in America had its first "Great Awakening". -
The Edinburgh Missionary Conference
This conference was called together at the United Free Church in Scotalnd at shadow of Edinburgh castle. This conference really boosted missionary stats throughout the world. It marked an expansion of missions and brought a focus to witnessing to the world. The church brought on different forms in different cultures. -
Coronation of Charlemagne
Charles the king of Franks was coronated by the pope as emporer. There were 5 powerful bishops set to rule. 7 sacarments were also set in place. He ruled in favor of protecting the pope and aubmitting to papacy ways.