
Bible Canonization

  • 400

    OT written

    OT written
    The Hebrew Bible is written from 1400-400 BC
    39 inspired
    7 uninspired
  • Aug 30, 1250

    Septuagint written

    Septuagint written
    The Greek translation of the OT, with the apocrypha, is written from 250-200 BC
  • Jesus is born

    Jesus is born
    End of BC, start of AD; not really 1900
  • NT is written

    NT is written
    NT is written AD 45-85
  • OT is canonized

    OT is canonized
    The councils of Jamnia give the final affirmation for all 39 OT books to be canonized
  • NT is canonized

    NT is canonized
    Orthodox Christians establish a NT canon
  • Jerome writes the Vulgate

    Jerome writes the Vulgate
    St. Jerome translates the Greek Bible into Latin; this translation was used in churches for years.
  • Caedmon puts the Bible into verses

    Caedmon puts the Bible into verses
    Caedmon, a monk, makes the Bible into verses
  • John Wycliffe first translates the Bible into English

    John Wycliffe first translates the Bible into English
    1380-1382: John Wycliffe translates the whole Bible into English
  • Gutenburg's Bible

    Gutenburg's Bible
    1455 Gutenberg’s Latin Bible—first from press
  • William Tyndale transates the New Testament into English

    William Tyndale transates the New Testament into English
    1525: William Tyndale makes the first translation of the New Testament from Greek into English
  • Martin Luther translates the Bible into German

    Martin Luther translates the Bible into German
    Martin Luther translates the Vulgate into German, leaving out the apocrypha
  • King James Version is made

    1607-1611 King James Version, the “Authorized Version,” is made