
  • The Birth of Bianca Richards-Hamilton

    The Birth of Bianca Richards-Hamilton
    The sun was high up in the winter sky on the 26th of January, a couple was blessed with a newborn daughter who they had just named Bianca Richards-Hamilton. And that baby was me.
  • 4.4- Childhood Attachment Experiences

    My parents have always been there for me in many situations. For example, I remember my first period. So many emotions were running all at once; more than anything, I remember being confused as hell and scared to death. That’s when I sought social support in sharing my feelings with other people. I turned to my mother for her sensitivity and empathy. She responded to my emotional needs by helping me and supporting me through this experience. I know that I can always count on my parents 100%.
  • 7.3- Major Life Event

    7.3- Major Life Event
    I mentioned previously that I was 16 years old when I tore my Anterior Cruciate Ligaments in both knees. That injury used to be career-ending, but with surgery, it is possible to make a comeback. I used a combination of emotion, meaning, and social coping strategies. I was addicted to prescribed painkillers to ameliorate the pain. I also believed that there was a reason why I hurt BOTH knees- I wanted to come back even stronger from this. I leaned on my family for support- to get through this.
  • 7.2- Transitions

    One of the major life transitions that I experienced was attending to college. I wasn’t a little girl anymore- I couldn’t depend on my parents to take care of me. Although I savored that first taste of freedom, life without my parents was difficult. Instead of abiding rules, it was up to me to decide to go to classes, manage my time to do homework & socialize with friends, and maintain my eligibility to attend college. Indeed, college has been a successful transition to independence for me.
  • 2.3- My current healthy lifestyle

    Truth to be told, my life is unhealthy. As a college student-athlete, I lead a sedentary lifestyle. I don’t have time to pay attention to the basic needs of my body. I’d just rather consume what I can get my hands on easily- they’re mostly junk food rather than fruit/vegetables. On another note, I pride myself with maintaining my habit by being involved with different physical activities. And with the flaring Arizona sun (where I’m from), I use sunscreen regularly to protect myself from UV rays.
  • 4.3- Adult Attachment

    4.3- Adult Attachment
    Combining my anxiety and avoidance scores from the quiz, I fall into the secure attachment quadrant. Indeed, this attachment type is seen in my relationship with my boyfriend who has been nothing but good to me. For instance, we both offer support to each other when we’re stressed, and we both come to each other for comfort when we’re troubled. Our relationship is not be perfect, but it is based on honesty, openness, equality with both of us feeling independent yet loving toward each other.
  • 6.3- Isolation

    An example that I saw in one of my classmates’ video was isolation as seen in the life of Doris Strom. She was born as a deaf baby in a hearing family- abandoned in a mute world. Not much was known about their accessibility needs, so she struggled to communicate with everyone. Because of this isolation, she never had the chance to develop and form meaningful relationship with people until she got older. She was left out, often isolated, in most aspects of her teen years.
  • 6.4- Self Aware

    An example that I saw in one of my classmates’ video was self-awareness as seen in the life of Lucille Gloria Parkinson. After she completed college, she began to show interest in deeper issues about the inner lives of herselves and others. She wanted to provide for her husband and children (that was expected of her) but still she wanted to travel and see the world & its multiculturalism (work-role preoccupation). She was at odds with herself but she realized the value of giving than receiving.
  • 7.1- Fowler

    I think Individuative-Reflective Faith fits me the most. I go to college that supports a wide range of diversity- I socialize with people of different backgrounds and value systems. Learning that people have different beliefs from myself, I begin taking up the ability to think outside of the box. By staying committed to my beliefs I expect this allows me to be open to varying interpretations by people, understanding many sides of an issue. This fulfills my capacity for reflection on my identity.
  • 6.1- My RIASEC type

    My results gave me an acronym for the RIASEC categories that I scored highest on; I'm an SIA. I was amazed with the accuracy of my personality traits (i.e. helpful, analytical, expressive) that correspond to my type. I was given a list of different jobs that fits my type such as:Mental Health Counselor, Social Worker, and Special Education teacher. For the most part, yes, this is consistent with the jobs that I want to pursue in- would like to be a mental counselor or social worker of some sort.
  • 1.1 The Beginning

    I think I will always be the girl I used to be, and in many ways, I still am. I get uncomfortable thinking of myself as a woman. Nevertheless, I feel that I will become an adult when I turn 30 years old. It’s a combination of psychological age and social age, a matter of fact of whether I believe I have transitioned to the expected roles of an adult. It's just that sense of independence that I seek to aim; obtaining my MA degree, paying my bills, owning a car/house, and starting a career/family.
  • 6.2- Super's Establishment

    Let’s say I hold a job as a Mental Health Counselor. As I’m settling down in a suitable position in my career, I’m learning more about career pathways. In search of desired opportunities to improve my position, I get a job offer that pays more than I make and offers more chance of advancement. At this point, I have to weigh the cost and benefits of such offer-in this case, I’d be happy with the job offer because the career ensures my life satisfaction. It’s a continual process of transition.
  • 4.1- Young Adult Role Transition

    My transition to adulthood is unfinished. I'm exploring my personal identity and seeing where this journey will take me. Next 10 years of this transition serves as a period of preparation for adulthood during which developmental milestones occur. After GU, I see myself moving back into my parents' home and working in entry-level jobs so I can establish myself economically. By then, I will be stable enough to marry and have children of my own- typical changes of an adult during this transition.
  • 2.2 Genetic Limits

    2.2 Genetic Limits
    We have come so far to discover regenerative medicine approaches- the stem cell. When we approach the Hayflick limit, the stem cell bolsters the ability of our cells to continuously replicating themselves. Thus, granting me immortality as it brings my body back to its original health. To slow down the loss of telomere length, I must keep up with daily habits to maintain healthy lifestyle- including exercising, being stress-free, eating properly, not smoking heavily or having other health issues.
  • 2.4- Potential consequences of my lifestyle

    My grandmother has had Diabetes for 25+ years, and my father now has borderline Diabetes. My parents and my sisters are all overweight, and that’s due to their eating habits. Putting genetics in context, I know if I continue to ignore fruit and vegetable diet by eating junk food- that will eventually lead to obesity & diabetes. Though I do exercise daily, I see my life becoming stagnant as I age. But seeing that I put in time to exercise to maintain my health, it could prevent these conditions.
  • 2.1 Oxidative Damage

    After years of experiments, researchers realized that it was impossible to prevent the release of free radicals due to environmental exposures. However there was a discovery of a shot- hybrid of fruit extracts of strawberries/blueberries & other antioxidants along with active ingredients in sunscreen. Though resistance/repair functions decline as we age, this shot taken once every year would reduce oxidative damage done on the molecules- to improve motor coordination/memory & prevent radiation.
  • 3.1- Episodic Memory

    I imagine my episodic memory to recall events to diminish. Decline in episodic memory impacts information processing as we face problems with encoding/retrieving information. This is important when upholding basic/instrumental ADLs- i.e. remembering what I did today or where I parked my car. The impact of episodic memory decline is challenging because it has a direct relevance to daily life- making decisions. To compensate this decline, I will use memory book to serve as cues to recall events.
  • 3.2- Fluid Intelligence

    I imagine my ability to think abstractly and reasoning quickly will diminish with age. Decline in fluid intelligence impacts how we deal with novelty as we are unable to solve cognitive problems. Having minimal impact on ADLs, I see the challenge of upholding IADLs that are based on problem solving skills- i.e. unable to learn how to use new forms of technology. Compensating for this decline, increased dependence will be placed on crystallized intelligence- knowledge that have been accumulated.
  • 4.2- Older Adult Role Transition

    In this transition to adulthood, we adapt into simplified forms of former roles. As we get old, it’s no secret that we face retirement due to declining abilities- instead of full time jobs, I will spend time on part-time or volunteer work. Because men die at a younger age, the high likelihood of being widowed means I am forced to live alone. Grief aside, I will move to small home in a warm climate- snowbird. Meanwhile I will take so much pride in being a grandma watching my (grand)children grow.
  • 8.1- The End

    Bianca Richards-Hamilton. Heaven gained another angel on May 28, 2083. Her final days were spent by loved ones who she had touched in some way throughout her life. An ordinary woman, but behind her cheerful appearance, lie courage, persistence & a big-hearted soul. The essence of a fighter. She lived up to a Helen Keller quotation: “keep your face in the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows.” At the end of her journey, she understood true happiness to avoid the darkness of cynicism. RIP.