Period: 276 BCE to 194 BCE
Eratosthenes' Life
A Greek mathematician famously known for finding Earth's circumference almost exactly. He also founded geometry, by using logic and shapes. -
Period: 83 to 165
Ptolemy's Life
Ptolemy believed in the geocentric view, and made tables that predicted the planet's positions and eclipses. His work is based on Hipparchus and Aristotle. -
Period: Feb 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543
Copernicus' Life
Copernicus calculated the time for the planets to orbit around the Sun, providing more evidence towards the heliocentric theory. -
Period: Dec 14, 1546 to
Brahe's Life
Found data on the planets movements. -
Period: Jan 22, 1561 to
Francis Bacon's Life
An English philosopher best known for creating empiricism and leading into the creation of the scientific method. -
Period: Feb 15, 1564 to
Galileo's Life
Galileo helped us understand Venus' moon-like phases, the dark spots on the Sun, and gave evidence towards the heliocentric view. He was known to have used a strong telescope, and to have been convicted for heresy. -
Period: Dec 27, 1571 to
Johannes Kepler's Life
A German astronomer, known for his laws of planetary motion. -
Period: to
Rene Descartes' Life
French philosopher that didn't believe anything was right except for "I think, therefore, I am". He was a supporter of Cartesian Skepticism. -
Period: to
John Locke's Life
A believer in different qualities, primary and secondary. Primary qualities being ones that belong to an object, and secondary ones are qualities from our senses. -
Period: to
Newton's Life
Newton was known for making the Three Laws of Motion and the Universal Gravitation. -
Period: to
Moses Hess' Life
A French philosopher that had many socialist theories, including ones about racial struggle. -
Period: to
Mendeleev's Time
Mendeleev was known for making the periodic table and using it to predict three unknown elements at the time. -
Period: to
Curie's Life
Curie's contributions to chemistry are: the discovery of radiation and the elements polonium and radium. -
Period: to
Leavitt's Life
Leavitt discovered the period-luminosity relationship, helping us detect stars farther away. -
Period: to
Alfred Wegener's LIfe
Known for making the theory of continental drift, the idea that all Earth's crust was moving and was split into tectonic plates instead of one large piece. Many scientists at the time ridiculed him for his lack of evidence. -
Period: to
Hubble's Life
Hubble, who work is based off of Leavitt, created Hubble's Law, proving the Earth's expansion.