Period: to
“New Immigration
-Main cause to migrate -Push = Pull factors
-Push Factors-oppression,poverty, war Reg. persecution
-Pull factor- freedom, $ opportunity, other family members already migrated.
-main ports -Ellis Island, Angle Island & Galveston TX
-Lived commomly in the Mid West, NY, CA & TX
-Bulk of the U.S. industrial labor pool, making possible the emergence of such industries as steel, coal, automobile, textile, and garment production -
Period: to
Tammany Hall & Boss Tweed
-Using fresh Irish immigants for votes Tammany Hall gained power with polticians and the people
-T-H would then help Ir imm get jobs, pay rent and Americanize them.
-T-H offered votes for bribs and constrution jobs in NY(like the constuction of the Brooklyn Bridge)
-T-H was connected to the Democratic Party -
Homestead Act
-The Homestead Acts were several U.S. fed. laws that gave a person ownership of land, typically called a "homestead",
-at little or no cost,totaling 160 acres if settlers improved the land in 5 years they own it.
-Most Hmsteading occured West (mainly the Gt. Plains, Ok, Nebraska).
-Harsh climates with little water high temp. (100) and blizzards in the winter.
-Farmers created sod houses and dug 300 ft. wells. Farmers also came up with DRY FARMING (planting seeds deep to reach moisture. -
Morse code
-A single-circuit telegraph that worked by pushing the operator key down to complete the electric circuit of the battery. This action sent the electric signal across a wire to a receiver at the other end.
-Telegraph lines normally ran with the RR track since the RR used them 1st and the routes were laid out already.
- Electric telegraphs were to reduce the cost of sending a message compared to semaphores, and could be used non-stop, 24 hours a day, independent of the weather or daylight -
Period: to
Rise of labor unions
-Labor leaders criticized company owners and managers for reducing competition, paying low wages and maintaining unsafe working conditions for their employees.
-Factory workers formed and joined labor unions in order to engage in collective bargaining with employers.
-Many workers went on strike in the 1880s.
-Three significant events of the time period included the “Great Strikes,” Homestead, Pullman, and Haymarket Riot. -
First Transcontinental Railroad "Pacific Railroad"
2000 miles accross the U.S.
-contributed to the westward expansion by making transportation and economic growth easier
-long hard work
-rans means accross
-came into native american territory
-chinese mainly built the railroads
-not a lot of technology/machinery
-boats walking or horse were only ways of transportation
-provided safety and and fast ways of travel
-wouldnt be possible without steel -
Nest Cartoon about "Boss Tweed"
Nast used his cartoons to attack the Tammany Hall political Ring and Boss Tweed to removed from power in the election of November 7, 1871 (in NY). Tweed was arrested in 1873 and convicted of fraud. -
Period: to
“Gilded Age and Westward Expansion”
-The Gilded Age was an era of rapid economic growth, especially in the North and West. American wages, especially for skilled workers, were much higher than in Europe, which attracted millions of immigrants.
-Railroads were the major industry, but the factory system, mining, and finance increased.
-Labor unions became important in industrial areas.
-“This time period is characterized by economic growth, widespread poverty, westward expansion, and political corruption.” -
Bessemer steel production process
-The removal of impurities from the iron by oxidation
-The Bessemer process revolutionized steel manufacture by decreasing its cost.
-After the introduction of the Bessemer process, steel and iron cost the same, and some users, like railroads, turned to steel.
-Steel rails lasted 10 x longer than iron rails.
-Quality problems such as brittleness prevented Bessemer steel from being used for many structural applications. -
Chinese Exclusionary Act
-prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the United States; passed in response to NATIVIST(individuals opposed to the new waves of immigrants) sentiment.
-Immigrants were encouraged to assimilate into American culture.
-Americans attributed unemployment and declining wages to Chinese workers
-detained for health or legal reasons, or deported before entering the United States.
-faced the threat of poverty and often struggled to survive due to competition for jobs and living space. -
Andrew Carnegie
-Industrialists leader used Horizontal and Vertical Alignment to reduce competition and expand their companies.
-Reduction of competition led to the creation of monopolies and trusts.
-Some people viewed these men as “Captains of Industry,” while others viewed them as “Robber Barons.” -
Haymarket Riot
*strikers during a union action at the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company that was part of a national campaign to secure an eight-hour workday
*violent confrontation between police and labour protesters
*a bomb was thrown by an individual never positively identified, and police responded with random gunfire 7 police officers were killed and 60 others wounded
*became a symbol of the international struggle for workers’ rights -
Hull House opening
Purpose- aiding American assimilation, "Americanization" teaching English and Am. culture, help immigrants find jobs and education
-Founded and lead by two women (women normally did not lead anything at this time in history)by Jane Addams & Ellen Starr
in Chicago IL. -
John D. Rockefeller
*Founder of the Standard oil company which dominated the oil industry and was the first great U.S business trust.Rockefeller revolutionized the petroleum industry
* Monopoly-Standard oil gradually gained almost complete control of oil refining and marketing in the U.S through horizontal integration. In the Kerosene industry , Standard oil replaced the old distribution system with its own vertical system. -
Homestead strike
*Carnegie Steel Co was determined to break the union
*locking the workers out of the plant
*Frick (Companies Manager) sent for 300 Pinkerton guards but when they arrived they were met by 10 thousand strikers, many of them armed
* After an all-day battle, the Pinkertons surrendered
*Carnegie & US Gov help moved in quickly to institute longer hours and lower wages
*it also highlighted how difficult it was for any union to succeed against the combined power of the corporation and the goverment -
Pullman Strike
*factory wages at the company fell about 25% but the rents George Pullman charged did not decrease
*3 thousand Pullman workers went on a "wildcat" strike that is without authorization
*June 29, 50 thousand men had quit their jobs.
*federal troops This enraged strikers, and rioters began stopping trains, smashing switches, and, again, setting fire to anything that would burn
*Pullman Strike was important because it was the first time a federal injunction had ever been used to break up a strike -
Period: to
Immigration Ellis Island NY
-From 1892 to 1954, over twelve million immigrants entered the United States.
-mostly from Northern and Western Europe, passed through its doors, immigrants came from England, Ireland, Germany and the Scandinavian countries.
-The main reasons immigrants were excluded was if a doctor diagnosis contagious disease or legal reasons and nationality. -
Americanization Day
*Americanization is the process in the U.s to assimilate into american society
*The americanization movement was a nationwide organized effort to being millions of recent immigrants into the american cultural system
*AKA Loyalty day- day set aside for the recognition of the heritage of American freedom, intended to replace "may day" which commemorates the 1886 Haymarket Massacre -
Period: to
Great Migration
*6million African Americans from the rural South move to the citys up North, Mid West &West for jobs during WW1
*Push factor were unsatisfactory economies oppurtunities and harsg segregation laws and Jimcrow laws
*Pull factors for many African Americans familys , job openings and better lving conditions, they moved to Chicago, Detriot &Harlem, which caused Harlem renissance(the rebirth) for blacks to find better opportunity