Bevelyn's Timeline

  • Birth

    Born by my biological mother in the Phillippines
  • Birth

    Biosocial: Born a premature baby weighed at 5 pounds.
    Adopted at five months old. No breast milk fed by formula and rice milk.
    Cognitive: Smiling gestures, colic behavior
    Psycho: Developed many health problems as being malnourished baby. Eat infection, colic baby
  • Period: to

    Birth and Toddler

    Biosocial: Gain a significant weight. Chubbier and looking a lot healthier.
    Cognitive: At age two I liked to play dress up and be around people. I had a little bit of a tongue tied language speaking.
    Psychosocial: I enjoyed being around people but quiet at times. My mom always like to dress me and my sister with matching outfits.
  • Period: to

    Early Childhood- 3years and 5 years old.

    Biosocial: At three years old started to talk more and a bit quiet and shy. I also liked being around people and play with stuff animals.
    Cognitive: I enjoyed birthdays, playing along with my older sister ,and helped my mom do chores at five years old.
    Psychsocial: At age 5, attended a privite pre-kindergarten school and was selected student of the month. First bestfriend name was Cookie.
  • Early Childhood 5 years old- Arrived in the United States

    Biosocial: Dad worked in the U.S and preparing for us to come to live in the United States for a better life.
    Cognitive: Learned a little English in the Phillippines. I liked to draw and play.
    Biosocial: Having mixed feelings about going to another country. Feelings of excitement and nervousness
  • Period: to

    Elementary grade School

    Biosocial: 1st grade at Farrand Elementary School in Plymouth, Michigan. Broke my arm too
    Cognitive: English language I consisted learning. Meet my first American bestfriend name Natalie Clark. Adjusting to a new country. I was student of the month.
    Psychsocial: Overall feeling good meeting new friends, Starting to like the way of living but family still trying to keep our heritage.
  • Period: to

    Elementary Grade School 7 years old- 9 years old

    Biosocial: Moved into a new area and new school. Fiegal Elementar School.
    Biosocial: 2nd grade selected to be in the newspaper.
    Cognitive: Better at English but disliked Math at fourth grafe and further on.
    Psychsoical: Enjoyed being in school and playing with friends. Favorite thing to do was to play with friends and ride my bike in the neighborhood. Parents were separating. I was trying to adjust to new life situated being broken family home
  • Early Adolescent -10 years old- 12 years old

    Biosocial: Started puberty. Exprienced my first period at age 10 years old in the summer
    Cognitive: Loved middle school at Central. I liked alsmot all subject besides Math, struggling a lot. I had good grades and enjoyed my teachers.I loved Art and thinking pursuing Art as a career.
    Psychosocial: Always out with friends and listening to music. Having fun and becoming who I am.
  • Period: to

    Early Adolescent-13 years old-15 years old

    Biosocial: 6th grade, my parents divorce final.
    Biosocial: I like to be myself. Enjoying middle school and making new tons of friends. 8th grade, feeling happy about graduating middle school.
    Cognitive: Did excellent in middle school made it into honor roll but hated Math.
    Pscyhsocial: Felt good about myself, but feeling very nervous transitioning to highschool.
    Psychsocial: Felt good about my
  • Period: to

    Early Adolescent- 13 years old- 15 years old

    Biosocial: 6th grade, my parents divorce is final.
    Biosocial: Liking to be myself. Enjoying middle schools and making new tons of friends.
    Cognitive: Did excellent in school and have made it to honor roll throughout school but disliked Math
    Psychsocial: Felt good about myslef but feeling nervous transitioning to highschool.
  • Period: to

    High School -15 years old- 19 years old

    Biosocial: Nervous for highschool, Canton. and unsure of what I want to do for the future.
    Biosocial: I liked the freedom of being a highschool student and meeting new friends.
    Biosocial: May 16, 1984, my 16th birthday~~!! 11th grade: Got my driver's license and dad lend me a car to use. At 18 years old, my first job at Tim Horton's.
    Biosocial: Moved during my junior year to Livonia and graduated high school at Clarenceville. Wen't to my prom alone and with friends who did not have dates
  • Period: to

    Adult Years -20 years old- 24 years old

    Biosocial: Excited that I have completed high school and is working at Tim Horton's then as my second job a hostess.
    Biosocial: Moved to Oakland, Ca to help out with my brother and his gf with the upcoming baby.
    Cognitive: Contemplating on moving back to MI. but it was everyones interests too. Had my first boyfriend (military) and then after 2 years move to San Diego, Ca expecting it to good but unhealthy. My 21st Birthday at Panama, Fl with bf.
    Pscyhsocial: Went back to Schoolcraft and focus .
  • Adult Years 2008-24 years old

    Biosocial: Returning to Schoolcraft and got a Medical Receptionist Certificate.
    Biosocial: Experiencing tough heartache by an unfaithful boyfriend but then took him back.
    Cognitive: Feeling okay but felt betrayed. Working full time and paid off my first car 1999 Ford Contour 1999.
    Pscysocial: Long distance relationship is hard but felt like I focus on him more than myself and my better choices for me
  • 2009- 25 years old

    Biosocial: Still feeling different about myself and the choices i have had made.
    Biosocial: April 20, 2009 was the year my grandma did. She died of pneumonia at the age 86. Griefing my grandma death was difficult.
    Psychsocial: Started to rethink about why I took back my boyfriend and beginning to think it is unhealthy for me but manage to work and school. Also transfered to Oakland Comm. College for the Surgical Tech. Program
  • 2010 -26 years old

    Biosocial: I realized not to be a Surgical Tech then thinking to purse Social Work which is my passion but did not have enough self confidence in me.
    Cognitive: Boyfriend and I had multiple fights and later he had told me he is being moved to Spain (which his choice) in the military. I was sad and depressed. I had no indication that I was pregnant -I fainted at work. December 29, 2010.
    Pscyhsocial: Had mixed emotions about the baby. It was an experience of hearing a heartbeat "LIFE" to a baby.
  • Period: to

    Adult Years -27 years old

    Biosocial: I love, love being pregnant! I made sure of myself eating 8 course meals was important. I was glowing through out my pregnancy.
    Cognitive: Enjoying doctor's OBGYN visits and taking good care of myself and the baby. I was also lonely and no guy to pamper me through out my pregnancy but I knew it my heart I was going to be a single-mother.
    Psychsocial: Feeling overjoyed knowing the sex of my baby and later the babyshow!! It's a boy. July 25, 2011 was my sons delivery had a C-section.
  • Period: to

    Adult Years-29 years old

    Biosocial: I love being a mother despite bf leaving me and my son at 2 months. I knew it in my heart I was determined to achieve my goals and pursure my dream job. Dad had a stroke Feb 2012.
    Cognitive: I have had highs and lows of depression. Excited to take pre-requsited class for Social Work at Eastern!!
    Psychsocial: I made sure to be happy and smile for my baby without seeing any effect of being hurt and being lonely. Focused on school work/
  • Adult Years -30 years old

    Biosocial: Did great on my classes at Eastern and a background experience by working as a Direct Service Worker at Life Center, Inc. Meanawhile I met and got to know a guy name Tim after 2 years of the break up of my ex.
    Cognitive: TIm in a special way gave me hope in the future that there is someone out there to meet. We are both pursuing Social Worker too.
    Psycsocial: My sone 3rd birthday at Chuckie Cheese. His dad was present both happy co-parenting for the sake of the boy!!
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    Adult Years -30 years old

    Biosocial : Had to do requirement volunteer in order to be in the Social Work Program at Eastern.
    Cognitive: I have learned a lot from volunteering. It was when I knew I wanted to work with the youths rather than young children.
    Pscyhsocial: A busy life trying to finnish general ed requirement of Social Worker for Eastern.
  • Period: to

    Adult Years -31 years old and 41 years old

    Biosocial: As planned, I would be graduating at Eastern on April 2016. I hope to find a job after college and working with youths.
    Cognitive: After feeling accomplishing my goals and being more stable it gives me readiness to start dating.
    Psychsocial: Hopefully feeling happy to help people and inspire people to achieve their goals. Thanking God for everything he has blessed me! Hopefully to find someone I love who cherish me and be married at the age 35.
    2017-My son's first day of first grade.
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    Adult years -42 years old- 52 years old

    Biosocial: Feeling blessed for my family. My son to enter in highschool in the year 2025!!
    Cognitive: Loved being married to the one l love. Encouraged my son to be goal driven and work hard.
    Psychsocial: Worrying about my mothers health.
  • Period: to

    Adult years- 53 years old- 63 years old

    Biosocial: Proud parent of an Eastern student and my son's decision to pursue a Social Work career.
    Cognitive: I love being supportive parent, traveling, hobbies-golf, fishing and volunteering.
    Pschysocial: I am satisfied how my life turned out to be despite the trails and error in the past.
  • Period: to

    Adult Years Years -64 years old- 74 years old

    Biosocial: Enjoying and helping with my sons wedding.
    Cognitive: Excited to be hopefully not to long being grandparents.
    Pscyhsocial: Everything is going well and helping out with my siblings families too and family reunions.
  • Period: to

    Death and Dying

    Biosocial: Developing alzeheimers!
    Cognitive: Great that I had an retirement plan. Be able to retire successfully and staying in luxur assisted living. My husband passed away first.
    Psychsocial: Interacting with my freinds and aging well with the elderlys.
  • Death and Dying 90 years old

    Death: Predict to be at the age of 90 years old. Not really looking forward to this age yet, a lot more and more years to go. But thanking God for all the blessings he hath given me and all of my family and relatives.