
Between the Wars: India

  • Period: to

    Between the Wars

  • Amritsar Massacre

    Amritsar Massacre
    Troops that were in the Gurkha tribe were told to shoot unarmed demonstrators in Amritsar. The Gurkha trbe killed 379 people.
  • Gandhi

    In 1920 Gandhi became the leader of the Indian Independence Movement and of the Indian National Congress. Gandhi was a role model for all of the Indians during this time.
  • Gandhi Aressted

    Gandhi Aressted
    Gandhi was arrested by the Britsih government because of charges of inciticiting violence at an event called Chauri Chaura. He was declared six years in prison.
  • Gandhi out of prison

    Gandhi out of prison
    Gandhi was supposed to spend six years in jail but he ended up only having to spend two. Gandhi needed a surgery on his appendicitis so they let him our of jail.
  • Kakori Revolution

    Kakori Revolution
    The Kakori Revolution was a revolution that stared off as a train robbery in Kakori and Alamnager. The Indians were trying to steal money from the British. Another name for this event is the Kakori Conspiracy.
  • India's Declaration of Independnce

    India's Declaration of Independnce
    During this time India was fighting to win self control over the British Empire. The result of all of this was the Declaration of Independence of India. The flag was also been officially raised during this time.
  • Poona Pact

    Poona Pact
    The Poona Pact was an agreement between Gandhi and Babasaheb Ambedkar. This agreement happened when Gandhi was in jail again. This agreement gave more rights to the members of the the lowest caste.
  • Gandhi Announces his Retirement.

    Gandhi Announces his Retirement.
    Gandhi decided that he needed to step down from being a political figure to becoming a village worker. Their were many members in Gandhi's party so this was a mojor step for them to take.
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    To give the Indian citizens more freedom from Great Britain they created a new constitution. This new constitution does not include a "Bill of Rights".
  • Pakistan

    During the New Election the muslims decided they wanted to be seperated from the Hindus. The muslims demanded a state of their own which we now know of today as Pakistan.