Frances Willard
- American educator, reformer and excellent speaker.
- Taught English and Art in the Evanston College for ladies.
- Became president of the Women´s Christian Temperance Movement.
Tin Pan Alley
- Name given to the popular music in the united states in the 20th century.
- Referred to West 28th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues in the Flower District of Manhattan.
- The name tin pan referred to the sound of the piano.
Social Darwinism
- The idea that the human groups are under the same natural selection as the animals.
- In the 20th century was the idea that the powerful and influential people would rise over the weaks.
- Held that the rule "survivel of the fittest" was applicable to the human society.
Harlem Renaissance
- Period of time that African-American art exploded specially on Harlem, NY.
- Due to the great migration most part of the black community was concentrated in the north and middle east area, ending up in a really big artistic influence.
- Jazz emerged as an African-American genre of music.
Henry Ford
- American captain of business and industry and also founder of the Ford Motor Company.
- Created the assembly line, method of fabrication used until the current days.
- Created two days of rest for the
William Jennings Bryan
- Three times times presidential candidate.
- Argued for the prosecution of John T. Scopes for teaching Darwinian theory of evolution.
- A former United States representative from Nebraska who gave the Cross of Gold speech.
Marcus Garvey
- Orator for the Pan-africanism and black nationalism movements.
- Founder of the Universal Negro Improvement and the African Communities league.
- Promoted social, political and economic freedom for black people through his speeches and his union in New York City.
The Great Migration
- Relocation of about 6 milion African-American from the South to the North and middle east of the U.S.
- Running from segregationist laws and unemployment they found an opportuning in the lacking of industrial workers in those areas.
- Helped the Harlem Reinaissance.
Jazz Music
- The first popular American music style and related to the African-American community.
- Born and New Orleans, Louisiana, and usually played in the speakeasies.
- Considered a rebel music style for the young people by being related to alcohol and the black people.e
1st Red Scare (1920s)
- Fear that the communism could spread throughout the U.S. and subvert the democracy.
- Because Russia pulled out of the first World War to a communist revolution Americans thought that since they no longer had to concentrate to win the war there was a chance to communism to grow up in the country.
- State of Ohio passed the Criminal Syndicalism Act, which allowed the state to prosecute the use of criminal activity to obtain political change.
Prohibition and the 18th Amendment
- Prohibited the consumption, manufacture, sale, and transportation of intoxicating liquors.
- Supported by the anti-saloon league, which was against the mess that saloons were making in the streets.
- The only amendment to be repealed in the U.S..
Langston Hughes
- Known for his portrayals of the black life with poetry from the twenties through the sixties.
- Won the Harmon gold medal for literature.
- He was very important to the Harlem Renaissance movement, shaping the artistic side of the black community.
- Had his poems inspired by Jazz music.
Eleanor Roosevelt
- Married to President Frankling D. Roosevelt and first lady of the united states in his time in office.
- Leader in her own rigth and involved with many humanitarian causes in her life.
- Involved in Democratic Party politics and numerous social reform organizations .
Warren G. Harding´s "Return to Normalcy"
- Republican senator and presidential candidate.
- Addressing to the Home Market Club of Boston he said that after the progressive politics and foreign interventions the U.S. would return to normalcy.
- In November Harding received the highest percentage of votes up to that time.
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
- Also known as the Oil Reserves Scandal, the Tea Pot Dome Scandal was a leasing of federal oil reserves to private companies by the secretary of the interior, Albert Bacon Fall.
- Bacon Received more than $200.00 in liberty bonds for the reserves.
- Granted the reserves of Teapot Dome, in Wyoming, and also Elk Hills and Buena Vista Hills in California.
Scopes Monkey Trial
- Teacher is accused for breaking the Tennessee´s Butler Act.
- The state accused John T. Scopes for teaching the Darwinian theory of evolution.
- The law was supported by the Fundamentalists, that believed that the Bible was above the human knowledge.
Clarence Darrow
- Defense counsel in many American criminal trials throughout history.
- Defended Eugene V. Debs, president of the American Railway Union.
- Defended a teacher that broke a state law by teaching the Darwinian theory of evolution.
The Great Depression
- The Great Collapse of the American economy with the crash of the stock market.
- The causes were the uneven distribution income, the overproduction of goods, the banks collapse and many others.
- President Frank D. Roosevelt created the New Deal to try to solve the economic problem.
Stock Market Crash "Black Tuesday"
- The deepest and longest economic downturn in the united states.
- The causes were low wages, debts, problems in the agricultural sector and overproduction.
- Unemployment went up, wages tumbled down, production declined and prices raised consequently.
The Dust Bowl
- Big dust storms in the middle of the country, making farmers move.
- Caused by the dry soil due to the misuse of the soil.
- Killed people and contributed to the Great Depression by destroying livestock and crops across the entire region.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
- American 32nd President, FDR took office in 1933.
- The president that stayed in office for the longest amount of time in the U.S..
- Assumed the Presidency at the depth of the great depression and launched the New Deal, program for recovery from all the effects of the Great Depression.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
- Program created with the New Deal after the sotck market crash.
- Has the purpose to ensure that deposit holders are gonna have their money back from the banks in any circunstances.
- Company to ensure the reform in FDR´s program and avoid more bank problems.
"Relief, Recovery and Reform"
- Purpose of President FDR program to restore the economy in the U.S..
- Relief to stabilize the banks and the stock market and give debt relief.
- Recovery to give jobs to the unemployed people.
- Reform to take safety measures to avoid he stock market to crash again.
20th Amendment
- Also known as the "Lame Duck Amendment".
- Made the date that president and members of the congress took office closer to their election.
- Before the 20th Amendment politicians would hold their office until four months after elections.
The New Deal
- Program created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to revert the bad situation of the Great Depression.
- Based on the three R's: Relief, Recovery and Reform.
- Created a series of companies to revert unemployment, improve house owning and the economic situation in the nation.
Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)
- Program that gave jobs to millions of unemployed young men.
- The most successful program on FDR´s New Deal.
- Planted more than three billion trees and constructed trails and shelters in more than 800 parks nationwide during its nine years of existence.
21th Amendment
- Brought back the legal consumption of alcohol in the U.S..
- Basically repealed the 18th Amendment.
- The only Amendment on the constitution to repeal a previous amendment.
Securities Exchange and Commission
- Created to regulate the commerce in stocks.
- Made to avoid lack of trading security that led the stock market to crash previus its creation.
- One of the programs from President FDR´s New Deal.
Social Security Administration (SSA)
- Government agency created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of the New Deal program.
- It is responsible for many types of social security as disability, retirement and survivor's benefits.
- Is working as an independent agency since 1994, when separated of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Summer Olympics
- Olympics hosted in Germany while Hitler was the dictator.
- The rest of the world was outraged by Hitler's segregationism.
- Some athletes considered a boycott to the 1936 Summer Olympics to compete somewhere else.
Charles A. Lindbergh
- American aviator that made the first nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
- Known by being the first celebrity to merge because of the radio.
- Had different families around the world.