Between the wars

  • The Washington Conference was held

    The Washington conference was held in November 1921. The countries that attended were Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands, China, Japan and Portugal. During the conference they discussed the naval armaments treaty that sets a ratio for tonnage of capital ships for Great Britain.
  • The German Chamber Of Deputies Accepts The Dawes Plan

    On 27th August 1924 the Dawes Plan restructured the schedule of German reparations payments so it reduces the amount of annual payments, they also granted Germany a large loan.
  • The Locarno Pacts Are Signed

    They signed the Locarno Pacts on 1st December 1925 so they could have a good relationship with Germany and its neighbours. Once they were signed it created peace and prosperity between the countries.
  • The Samuel Commission in England releases its report on coal mining

    In March 1926 Samuel Commission releases a report which states that there will be a wage cut for miners. The miners respond by striking they protest for a change in the government's policies.
  • Stock market crashed

    The stock market went under a major expansion, then production started getting declined and the stop of employment was extremely high. After the stock market crashed on 29th October 1929 while the prices continued to drop it took the United States into the great depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt helped the effects of the great depression.
  • The Spanish Nationalists Begin The Spanish Civil War

    On 17th July, 1936 the Spanish Civil war started as soon as General Goded, Mola, Francisco Franko led their troops into the rebellion against the republic. 325,000 died in battle and from a disease. Francoists killed at least 150,000 during and after the war. Victory for the Francoist side brought economic and political isolation for Spain until the 1950s and the denial of basic rights until the late 1970s.
  • Spanish Nationalists Bomb Guernica

    On April 25 1937, the Spanish Nationalists bomb the small northern town of Guernica and civilians are gunned down as they try and escape the scene. This brutal massacre killed 1500 and 800 were wounded but the military targets in the town remain intact.
  • Japanese invade North China

    On 7th July 1937 the war started because the Japanese troops wanted to control the mainland in China but the Chinese . In 1945, the Japanese lost to China. China had received a lot of aid from Britain and the USA. A series of attacks from the USA and the Soviet Union towards the Japanese caused them to surrender as they knew they would not have been able to fight anymore.
  • The Spanish Civil war ends

    On 30th March 1939 Madrid falls to Francisco Franco's forces, effectively ending the Spanish Civil War. Franco's oppressive dictatorship begins.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    As Hitler continued to be aggressive towards the eastern side of Europe, to stop this Britain and France went to war with Germany on 3rd September 1939.