Between the wars

  • Frances Willard

    Frances Willard
    -Temperance was the WCTU's main focus.
    -Her influence was instrumental in the passage of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.
    -Frances Willard thought it was important for women to have the right to vote.
  • Henry ford

    Henry ford
    He established the Ford Motor Company, and five years later the company rolled out the first Model T. In order to meet overwhelming demand for the revolutionary vehicle
  • Clarence Darrow

    Clarence Darrow
    He defended Eugene V. Debs, arrested on a federal charge arising from the Pullman Strike. He also secured the acquittal of labor leader William D. Haywood for assassination chargeswas an American lawyer, a leading member of the American Civil Liberties Union, and a prominent advocate for Georgist economic reform
  • William Jennings bryan

    William Jennings bryan
    was an American orator and politician from Nebraska. He emerged as a dominant force in the Democratic Party, standing three times as the party's nominee for President of the United States.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt

    Eleanor Roosevelt
    She married her fifth cousin once removed, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
    -She advocated for expanded roles for women in the workplace, the civil rights of African Americans and Asian Americans, and the rights of World War II refugees.
  • federal Reserve system

    federal Reserve system
    -It was created by the Congress to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.
    -Supply of money and credit regulating and supervising financial institutions.
    -serving as a banking and fiscal agent for the United States government.
  • 1st red scare

    1st red scare
    As the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States intensified hysteria over the perceived threat posed by Communists in the U.S. became known as the Red Scare
  • The great Migration

    The great Migration
    The relocation of more than 6 million African Americans from the rural South to the cities of the North, Midwest and West from about 1916 to 1970.he desire of black Southerners to escape segregation, known as Jim Crow.
  • 21st amendment

    21st amendment
    The United States Constitution repealed the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which had mandated nationwide Prohibition on alcohol.
  • Tin Pan Alley

    Tin Pan Alley
    -The golden age of American song writing, when New York was the world's epicenter of composing, lyric writing, and sheet music publishing.
    - A plaque on the sidewalk at 25th Street and Fifth Avenue commemorates Tin Pan Alley
    -The term “Tin Pan Alley” is recognized by historians as having originated the name for the strip of row houses running between Fifth and Sixth Avenues on 28th Street.
  • Social darwinism

    Social darwinism
    -A sociological theory popular in late nineteenth-century Europe and the United States.
    -natural selection and Herbert Spencer's sociological theories to justify imperialism, racism, and laissez-faire
    -existence ruled by survival of the fittest.
  • jazz music

    jazz music
    The Roaring Twenties, the Boom, the Jazz Age (the name Fitzgerald himself invented). It was a period of wild economic prosperity, cultural flowering and a shaking up of social mores. It was also the defining era of Fitzgerald's life as a writer.
  • prohibition&the 18th amendment

     prohibition&the 18th amendment
    the 18th Amendment did not prohibit the consumption of alcohol, but rather simply the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcoholic beverage.the dry crusade was revived by the national Prohibition Party, founded in 1869, and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), founded in 1873.
  • warren G Harding's"return to normalcy"

    warren G Harding's"return to normalcy"
    -Harding's campaign promised a return to "normalcy," rejecting the activism of Theodore Roosevelt and the idealism of Woodrow Wilson.Harding has been harshly judged by history. His relatively short tenure was beset by scandal, and while he did have some notable accomplishments.
  • Tea pot dome scandal

    Tea pot dome scandal
    the signing of the Teapot Dome lease, Fall and members of his family had received from an unknown source more than $200,000 in Liberty bonds under circumstances indicating that the bonds came from a company organized by Sinclair and others receiving benefits from the lease.
  • Marcus garvey

    Marcus garvey
    -Lead blacks back to Africa
    -An orator for the Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movement
    -the black star line was the name of the ship
  • langston hughes

    langston hughes
    -Important writers and thinkers of the Harlem Renaissance
    -was an American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist from Joplin, Missouri.
    -He was one of the earliest literary art form called jazz poetry.
  • Scopes Monkey Trial

    Scopes Monkey Trial
    Began in Dayton, Tennessee. High school teacher John Thomas Scopes was charged with violating Tennessee's law against teaching evolution instead of the divine creation of man. The trial was the first to be broadcasted on live radio.
  • harlem renaissance

    harlem renaissance
    it marked a moment when white America started recognizing the contributions of Blacks and on the other hand African Americans asserted their identity intellectually and linked their struggle to that of blacks around the world and planted .
  • charles A.Lindbergh

    charles A.Lindbergh
    He became the first man to fly an airplane across the Atlantic Ocean. He called his airplane the Spirit of St. Louis
    his courageoust helped make Missouri a leader in the developing world of aviation.
  • The great depression

    The great depression
    -Was an economic slump in North America, Europe, and other industrialized areas of the world.
    -a number of serious weaknesses in the economy. ... America's "Great Depression" began with the dramatic crash of the stock market on "Black Thursday". 16 million shares of stock were quickly sold by panicking investors who had lost faith in the American economy.
  • stock market crash "black Tuesday''

    stock market crash "black Tuesday''
    the Stock Market Crash of 1929, "Black Thursday", and was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States acting as the most significant predicting indicator of the Great depression
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    -The New Deal was a group of U.S. government programs . President Franklin D. Roosevelt started the programs to help the country recover from the economic problems of the Great Depression.
  • The dust bowl

    The dust bowl
    was caused by several economic and agricultural factors, including federal land policies, changes in regional weather, farm economics and other cultural factors. After the Civil War, a series of federal land acts coaxed pioneers westward by incentivizing farming in the Great Plains.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    -Was an American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd President of the United States .
    -He helped program to bring recovery to business and agriculture, relief to the unemployed and to those in danger of losing farms and homes, and reform
  • relief, recovery and reform.

    relief, recovery and reform.
    Roosevelt's basic philosophy of Keynesian economics manifested itself in what became known as the three "R's" of relief, recovery and reform. The programs created to meet these goals generated jobs and more importantly, hope.
  • 20th amendment

    20th amendment
    -he United States Constitution moved the beginning and ending of the terms of the president and vice president.
    -this also help to determine who will be the next run up if the president dies
  • civilian conservation corp

    civilian conservation corp
    was a work relief program that gave millions of young men employment on environmental projects during the Great Depression. Considered by many to be one of the most successful of Roosevelt’s New Deal programs, the CCC planted more than three billion trees and constructed trails and shelters in more than 800 parks nationwide during its nine years of existence
  • Federal Deposit Insurance corporation

    Federal Deposit Insurance corporation
    was created by the Banking Act during the Great Depression to restore trust in the American banking system. More than one-third of banks failed in the years before the FDIC's creation, and The insurance limit was initially US $2,500 per ownership category.
  • Securities & Exchange commission

    Securities & Exchange commission
    it's an independent, federal government agency responsible for protecting investors, maintaining fair and orderly functioning of securities markets, and facilitating capital formation.
    -the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to enforce the federal securities laws.
  • social security administration

    social security administration
    -Is a U.S. government agency created in 1935 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the SSA administers the social insurance programs in the United States. The agency covers a wide range of social security services, such as disability, retirement and survivors' benefits.