Henry Ford
Henry Ford was a caption of industry and business magnate. He is known as the founder of the Ford motor company. Ford also was the sponsor of the development of assembly lines techniques for more mass production of items being sold. -
Eleanor Roosevelt
Elenor Roosevelt (Anna Elenor Roosevelt) was an American politician and activist. Roosevelt was also the longest serving first lady. During her husbands precedence, she did a lot for the community. She was involved in social reforms and organizations before reaching her death bead at 78. -
Federal Reserve System
The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. It helped promote the effective operations of the US economy. Some things it did were help promote stability, safety, protection etc. for the people and the government. -
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey was a leader of Black nationalism in both Jamaica and the United States. He was mostly known to be the leader of the Pan-Africanism movement. This was a movement to help bond black people to their african decent. He also founded the UNI-ACL (Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League.) -
The Great Migration
The Great Migration was a big movement of about 6 minion African Americans to rural sided of the US. It started from 1916-70. More than 90% of African Americans population lived in the south. They went there for jobs opportunities and cultural rise. -
Jazz Music
Jazz is a music genera that originated from the African American communities of New Orleans. They originated the 19th and 20th centuries. It stater to get very popular during the 1920's and was even deemed as inappropriate music due to the face that it was played when people were doing illegal things like hanging out in the speakeasies. -
1st Red Scare
The 1st Red Scare had started as WWI was ending. Fear had started for an anti-Communist movement un the US. It started in 1917 Russia had undergone it's civil revolution which changed it to a communist place and Americans were very scared of this that the Russians had turned against us. -
William Jennings Bryan
William Jennings Bryan was an American politician from Nebraska. In 1896 William rose as dominate force in the Democratic party. He complained for peace, prohibition, and suffrage, but he also criticized the teaching of education. -
Prohibition and the 18th Amendment
Prohibition was a need to repeal the use of Alcohol in the United States. This was a law at first but soon turned in to the 18th Amendment. This amendment state that sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol beverages if prohibited. -
Langston Hughes
Langston Hughes was a very important writer and thinker during the Harlem Renaissance. His creativity branched from his influences in him life in Harlem and in the neighborhoods he lived in. He was also a very famous poet that wrote a lot about artistic movement in 1920's for black life and culture. -
Warren G. Harding's "Return to Normalcy"
"Return to Normalcy" was stating a return to the way of life before WWI. It was also Harding's campaign slogan for the election of 1920. He had promised that in his precedence that he would help make this into a reality. -
Harlem Renaissance
The Harlem Renaissance had lasted since the 1910's through the mid 1930's, It was the development of the Harlem neighborhoods in New York City and where the black culture had exploded. This period is considered as the golden age in African American culture, literature, music, stage performance, and art. -
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
The Teapot Dome Scandal had shocked hundreds of people in the 1920's. It was a scandal that reviewed an unprecedented level of greed and corruption within a administration. It individual out tycoons, poker, illegal sales, murder, ect. It also marked the first time a cabinet official had served hail time for felony while still in office. -
Tin Pan Alley
The Tin Pan Alley was a collection of New York city music publishers and songwriters. He dominated the popular music of the United States in the 19th-20th century. They were very famous around America and help spread music around easier. -
Clarence Darrow
Clarence Darrow was an American Lawyer, member of Civil Liberties Union and prominent advocate for Geologist economic reform. He was also a very big christian. He was mostly involved un the "scopes monkey trial" in 1925. -
Scopes Monkey Trial
On July 10 1925 the Scope Monkey Trail was help in Dayton Tennessee. John Thomas Scopes, a high school teacher, was charged with violating Tennessee's law against teaching about evolution. He was against the Bible "eye witness" Clarence Darrow. -
Charles A Lindbergh
IN 1927 Chales A. Lindbergh became the first man to successfully fly a plane over the Atlantic Ocean.He was also a very famous aviator and he names his plane the "Spirit of St. Lewis." The courage he had helped make Missouri the leader in developing a new world of aviation. -
Frances Willard
Frances Willard was a American educator, temperance reformer and women's, suffragist. Willard had a lot of influence in the passing of the 18th amendment. She was also a corresponding secretary of Chicago Woman's Christian Temperance Union. -
Stock Market Crash "Black Tuesday"
The stock market crash was not originally the aftermath of the depression, but of the global genomic collapse. During this more than half of Americans's banks had failed and there was also unemployed at the 15 mission people and 39th of the workforce. -
The Great Depression
The Great Depression was a result of the stock market crash of 1929. IT lasted from around 1929-39 and was naked as one of "history's worst economies downturn." 15 million Americans were unemployed and nearly half the countries banks had also failed so no-one had money. -
Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism is a sociological theory that was very popular in the 19th century through Europe and the US. It was a combination of Darwin's theory of natural selection and Herbert Spencer's sociological theories of racism and imperialism. It argued the biological inheritance was more important then environments characteristics and intelligence. -
The Dust Bowl
The Dust Bowl was a drought that hit Southern plains regions of the US. During this time , there was sever dust storms and very dry periods in ht e 1930/ These were high speeds of dust and live stocks and crops were killed, which lead to economic crushing and families to leave in search for better living conditions. -
Franklin D Roosevelt
FDR was an American statesman and served as the 32nd President of the US rom 1933-1945. FDR is also known for creation the New Deals. He had polio for the last few years in his like and dies in 1945 due to the illness. -
The New Deal
The New Deal was a set pf different federal programs that were made by FDR during his presidency. It included public work projects, financial reforms and regulations during the 1930. A big part of the New Deal induced FDR's signature policy of "relief, recover, reform." -
"Relief, Recovery, Reform"
Relief, Recover, Reform otherwise known as the 3 R's was a program created by FDR. The goal was to help Americans get up from the negative effect of the war. It was made in a intention to resort confidence in the economy and help build new policies and jobs for the people. -
Civilian Conservation Corp. (CCC)
The Civil Conservation Corp (CCC) was a very successful New Deal policy during the Great Depression.It was a public work program from 1933-42 that helped unemployed/unmarried men. It had these men work to create roads, bridges, building etc all through the United States. -
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FCIC)
The FCIC was a government corporation that helped provide insurance in US banks. It was created in the "Glass-Steigall" act in 1933. It mostly helped guarantee specific amounts of chehings and savings in banks, which was very important at the time after "Black Tuesday" had happened during the Great Depression. -
21st Amendment
The 21st Amendment states that the 18th Amendment, which ha d prohibited the sell, consumption, and transportation of alcohol, is now repealed. It made drinking/selling alcohol legal again. This amendment was also the first to ever repeal another amendment after being made. -
20th Amendment
The 20th Amendment had helped set stated at which federal government elected offices ended. It also helped set the exact date when the president/vice president's terms had started and ended. (4th of march to 20th of January). It was ratified in 1933. -
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
The Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC) in part of the government agency policy that overseas security transection. It also helped activities of financial processions and mutual fund to prevent fraud and intentional deception. It also consists of 5 different commissioners who serve a 5 year term under the policy. -
Social Security Administration (SSA)
The SSA helps the federal government that is in charge of social security. It is an independent agency of the United States. A social insurance program consists of retirement disability and survival benefits. -
1936 Summer Olympics
The 1936 Summer Olympics was an international multipart event that was help in 1936 in Germany. During this time Nazi power had risen. Germany had a lot of conflicts and racism happening. This was also very important because at the time Nazi's though that Black people were inferior to them, but during the track region a black man had beat their team which caused a lot of shock and confusion through Germany.