Period: to
Strategy timeline
From the beginning(ish) of school until now. Content literacy strategies that have been used. -
Developing vocabulary before students read a text
I have completed this activity in all of my classes. It's simply having students find the words they don't know, have them or myself list the words on the board, use the context of the word or the word itself to figure out the meaning, and sometimes use a picture to explain the word itself. Students tend to write down all words, ask how to say them multiple times, and then will use them to impress other students and the teacher. -
Constitutional Convention Simulation
In class, every student was assigned a state and had to find information in a chart about the role each state played in the Constitutional Convention, as well as their thoughts on slavery and states' rights. This simulation helped students to understand the difference between the development of each house in Congress, as well as built on background knowledge of the 13 colonies. -
American Government Structured Overview
Students in U.S. History each had a set of words that they cut out and glued in their notebooks to fill in the information about each branch of government. The graphic organizer helped students to understand how the branches were connected to the Constitution itself and the purpose of each branch of government. -
Propaganda Interviews (Jigsaw/Be the expert)
Each pair of students were assigned a type of propaganda they had to research and create a poster about. The information on the poster included the name of the propaganda, what it is, a picture about it, and how the picture is that type of propaganda. Students sat in interviewing groups in order to share their information with one another. The pictures helped students understand one another's type of propaganda.