Bertrand Russell and his Contributions

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  • Birth

    In Ravenscroft, England Bertrand Russell is born
  • College

    Russell enters Trinity College to study mathematics
  • Publication of Russell's First Philosophical Book

    An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry was published, this was a philosophical book proposing different ideas to Emmanuel Kant. Further developing a discussion on Geometry and Spatial Intuition. Russell, B. (1897). An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry. Cambridge University.
  • Russell Becomes a Lecturer at Cambridge

    Russell is appointed a lecturer at Cambridge Trinity College
  • Discovery of Russell's Paradox

    While awaiting the publication of his Principles of Mathematics Russell discovers Russell's Paradox which opens a gaping flaw in his new take (the Idea that if you have a series of categories that you will eventually have a category that excludes itself). He corresponds with a collogue by the name of Gottlob Frege, another influential mind in an attempt to resolve this glaring issue.
  • Principles of Mathematics is Published

    The Principles of Mathematics is published which is a great departure from Russell's earlier ideas focusing on the purity of math as a system of logic, creating Logicism Russell, B. (1903). The Principles of Mathematics. Cambridge University.
  • On Denoting

    Russell redefines types and resolves Russell's Paradox through a paper that argues on form of classification. Many philosophers have declared this to be an amazing insight that can be seen as a great insight. Russell, B. (1905). On Denoting. Mind.
  • Death

    Bertrand Russell dies in Penrhyndeudraeth, having greatly influenced the fields of philosophy, logic, and mathematics.