Alisa's Timeline

  • division of the Berlin

    WWII ended. It divided into 4 sectors: the American, British, French in the West.
  • Berlin divided

    Currency reform in Berlin, Berlin is divided into two different currency zones
  • Berlin Blockade

    The one and only Berlin Blockade Begins
  • Berlin Blockade

    The Berlin Blockade ended
  • Federal Republic of Germany is founded

    They are only in charge of the West Germany
  • Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift Begins
  • Berlin Airlift

    It ended.
  • Border between East and West Germany

    Border between East and West Germany and between East Germany and West Berlin is closed. Only the border between East and West Berlin is still opened
  • East Germany

    Leaving East Germany without permission is forbidden and violations are prosecuted with prison up to three years
  • Berlin Berriers

    The Berlin sectorial border between East and West Berlin is closed, barriers are built
  • Brandenburg Gate

    The gate closed down.
  • Crossing Points

    All crossing points are closed for West Berlin citizens
  • President visits Berlin

    President J. F. Kennedy visits Berlin and says: "Ich bin ein Berliner." ("I am a Berliner.")
  • Powers

    Four Power's Agreement over Berlin
    visiting becomes easier for West Berliners
  • President Ronald Reagan visits Berlin

    President Ronald Reagan visits Berlin and urges Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.
  • President J.F.Kennedy visits Berlin

    President J. F. Kennedy visits Berlin and says: "Ich bin ein Berliner." ("I am a Berliner.")
  • Germany

    Germany reunited
  • Boreder opens

    Hungarian government opens border for East German refugees
  • Berlin wall

    Berlin wall opened
  • Brandenburg

    Brandenburg opened again