The Rise of the Berlin Wall/ Period 1/ Ethan and Griffin

  • Post WW2

    Post WW2
    After World War 2 Germany was divided into American, Soviet, British, and French occupation zones. The city of Berlin was also split into West and East parts. The Soviets controlled the eastern part of the city.
  • Travel Restrictions

    Travel Restrictions
    Travel restrictions are introduced for movement between the Soviet and Western administered sectors in Germany. A travel document known as an "Interzonenpass" was required to be able to cross between East and West Berlin.
  • Railroad Restrictions

    Railroad Restrictions
    The Soviets blocked rail and road access in an effort to force the Allies to use supplies from the Russian-held sector of the city. In response, the Allies begin the Berlin Airlift which would make it possible for accessible fuel and supplies.
  • The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift
    By the following spring, more supplies reached Berlin than when the normal routes were open. The Soviets' blockade was a major fail and they ended it soon after this.
  • German Democratic Republic

    German Democratic Republic
    The GDR is declared in East Berlin. This made the separation that had been established in the aftermath of the war official.
  • Construction Riot

    Construction Riot
    Construction Workers in East Berlin riot against their working conditions. These riots are immediately shut down by the Soviet Army, but this shows distress in conditions between East and West.
  • Soviets Strict Rules

    Soviets Strict Rules
    The GDR introduces rules that make leaving East Germany without permission illegal. Those who are caught crossing or attempting to cross could face up to three years in prison.
  • John F Kennedy's Intervention

    John F Kennedy's Intervention
    JFK gives a speech that states any Soviet attack on Berlin would be seen as an attack on Nato. This startles Soviet leader, Nikita Krushchev and in response, he order building a wall through Berlin that would block movement from the Soviet sector.
  • Construction Of The Berlin Wall

    Construction Of The Berlin Wall
    The Soviet's operation to divide the city is put into place. The border is surrounded by communist troops and "shock workers" are deployed to construct are barbed wire barrier across the border. The task is completed twenty-four hours later and their Berlin wall is official.
  • Brutality

    Eighteen-year-old Peter Fechter is shot and left bleeding to death when he tried to cross the wall. Efforts of helping the young man were prevented by East German guards and he died suffering for almost an hour.