Berlin Wall

By Avxry
  • Capital

    The Capital of Berlin was no longer the capital due to the wall.
  • Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift was put into place to help East Berliners.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin had put up a blockade to keep the Germans and the soviet from fighting.
  • Berlin Blockade

    The Berlin Blockade was taken down.
  • Government(West Germany)

    Federal Republic of Germany is founded
  • Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift was taken down.
  • Borders

    The borders between East and West are blocked off with walls.
  • East Berlin People

    The soviet brought in tanks to suppress the workers uprising.
  • East Germany

    East Germany couldn't leave the east without having permission.
  • Bradenburg

    The Brandenburg gate is closed.
  • Gates

    All west gates are closed
  • J.F.K

    J.F.K went to Berlin and confirmed he is a Berliner.
  • East Germany

    East Germany could enter the West for the first time after 2 years.
  • 4 Powers Agreement

    4 powers agreement helped Berlin get along better.
  • Ronald Reagan

    Reagan urges the Russian president to tear down the wall.
  • Hungarian Government

    They open their borders for East German Refugees.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin wall is open
  • West Germany

    They had to have a pass to leave the West
  • Brandenburg Gate

    Brandenburg gate is open.
  • Germany

    They runite