Building of the Berlin Wall
East German authorities built a wall around West Germany. It was built in one night. The boarder between East and West Germany was closed and no one could go in and out and if they tried they had a very high chance of getting shot -
The second wall
The second wall was built because they didn't want any more escapees. -
1 of many people killed trying to escape
A man name Peter Fechter aged 18 tried to escape and was shot down and left to bleed to death in front of many onlookers using Peter as an example. -
East and West Germany diplomatic ties
East and West Germany establish formal diplomatic ties. -
Basic Treaty
Both East and West Germany agree on normal relations, basically they respect each other and that the boarder between there two countries recognizing each other’s independence and sovereignty -
Construction of the infamous Stutzwandelemen (second wall)
the second wall penetrated deeper into East German territory and included a touch-sensitive, self-firing fence. The product of a large-scale development and testing program, it was made of L-shaped sections of pre-cast concrete used by farmers to build open silos. -
Knocking down of the wall
The East German government announces that visits in West Germany and West Berlin will be permitted. Thousands of East Berliners pass into West Berlin as border guards stand by. People begin tearing down the wall which is opened.