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Ben Hardin Timeline

  • Birth!

    Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma at 7:47 am at St. John's hospital in Utica Square.
  • Family moves to Owasso, Oklahoma

    My Family moved from Tulsa to Owasso, where I began school and went to Kindergarten and 1st Grade.
  • Family moves again, this time to Skiatook

    We then moved from Owasso, OK to Skiatook, OK because my dad lost his job. My mother then found a job teaching for Skiatook Public Schools, so we moved there. I attended 2nd - 7th grades there.
  • Another Move

    This was the third of many moves in my childhood, however it was my last school move! Before my 8th grade year, I received an athletic scholarship to Holland Hall School in Tulsa, OK. I completed 8th - 12th grades at Holland Hall.
  • Grandmother's Death

    My Grandma, Pat Hardin, passed away during my 8th Grade year. It was the first death that really impacted me. She was very sick and in many ways it was a blessing, not overly sad. Still, obviously heavy.
  • Period: to

    Trip to Bolivia

    I was very fortunate to take a trip to El Alto, Bolivia in 2014-15 to live with villagers in the outskirts of the nation's capital.
  • High School Graduation

    Title says it all.
  • Start Classes at OSU

    I rushed to enroll late at OSU. My original college plan was a football scholarship. I was offered a few, but at the very end of my senior year, I felt as though that path wasn't for me. This was very freeing, however, it left me scrambling to enroll at a University for the Fall after graduating high school.
  • Transfer to UCO

    After a poor semester at OSU that reflected my lack of preparedness and general ignorance of purpose at the time, I transferred to UCO and changed my major to study music. This was a VERY good choice in hindsight.
  • Period: to

    Time at UCO

    During my time at UCO, I made lifelong friends, met my wife, I signed with a talent agent and established a real sense of identity and purpose for myself.
  • Marriage!

    Got married to a REALLY cool young woman that I met while performing and taking classes at UCO.