The beginning of Me
It was April 12, 2002 in Burma It was a dark rainy night when I was born. I wasn't born in a hospital I was born in a brown small house with animals under the house. I was a cute baby who loves eating eggs and playing in the living room. All this timeI was scared because my father was not there. My grandpa said if there is no man in the house something bad could happen like killers, stealers, and bad people may come to your house. I was also happy because my father get to vist me like maybe 10 -
Real Madrid number 7
When I got to Texas I started playing soccer and I was good so I really got in to soccer.People keep asking me do you know a guy who plays for a soccer team call Real Madrid he wear the number 7 and another guy who plays for Barcelona and he wear the number 10. I keep answering no no no but they said you if you don't know them your not going to know the best soccer player in the world. What they said got into my mind and I didn't like it so I went into the computer and search for Cristiano -
Fun Time at Lakeland Elementary
This is the fun time I have when I was 11 years old. I went to a school call Lakeland Elementary. I learn a lot of suff like how to read and write but my favorite subject is math. I really like my teachers their names are Mrs. Criswell, Mrs. L. Massey and my GT teacher Mrs. Pittinger. I had fun times with and sad times with them but I am very happy that I have the expernice to work with 3 of the best teachers in the world. I like going outside at school or at home because I like playing soccer -
When I was 22 I was a coach for a soccer team call Manchester United they were a very good team they work hard and play very good. We won the Champion in 2021 with one of my player name the best soccer player in 2021 his name is Cristiano Ronaldo. I earn about 7.5 million a year it serve my family very well and I had a very good time coaching them. I was the youngest coach ever to coach a big team as Manchester United. -
Meeting Someone
When I was 25 I went to Florida and My friends and I were walking along the beach and all of a sudden a frisbee came fly and it hit me at the leg. There 5 girls playing but one of them came a get the frez B they said they were sorry. She grab the frez B but before she leave I grab her by the arm and ask her for her number. We talk and went on dats for about 3 and a half months then we got married on the 4 of July 2027. She was a great wife with a very big heart and most of all she is perfect -
When I was 28 we bought a house that cost $876,000 it was a lot of money but it lasted very long but we said we need a bigger house we renovat it and sold it for $1,300,000. I still have momoeries about the house it was reallky fun living in that house. -
first son
When I was 28 my wife Anglica had a baby on sep 4, 2030 it was a boy his name is Connor Biak Thang he is a very good child with a lot of talent he helps me and his mother do a lot of thing's like cooking, lawming, clean the house, do dirty work and he tell us to read Bible too. He love playing soccer with his friends but he is different from other children because he doesn't like computers or technolgy. -
When I was 30 years old my wife had a daughter her name is Linda Dawt Par she was born on January 7, 2032. She likes hanging with her friends sometimes I get a noised but she hepls us a lot with family jobs and work. She like going to school and learn and she is also a very excited person. -
When I was 30 I open a store with the help of my family they supported me with everything they had. We earn a lot of money by owning this store. The store ois called Pay Day is where you could buy 1 and get 1 free. We sell clothes, foods, toys, snacks, drinks, and other thing"s. -
second son
When I was 31 my wife had another son his name is Vicktor Van he was born on April 12, 2033 he was born on the same month and date as I was so I like him but sometime he plays too much. Vicktor love playing soccer more then heis brother love soccer he plays for a soccer team call Real Madrid and he likes playing on the computer. -
second daughter
When I was 33 my wife had another daughter name Sinse Mo she was born on Jul 4, 2035. She like modeling and making herself pretty. She likes reading books too because she is a very quiet person and she also like beening alone. She is heplful because she tranlate for us any where we go. -
last son
When I was 34 my wife had another son his name is Bawi Siang Mang he was born on Nov 17, 2036. He is not like other brothers he is very different because he like singing a lot . He likes going to Korea because he sing there the most. He is heplful because he sing at the church and stage he also helps us with buying things. -
3 daughter
When I was 36 my wife had another daughter her name is Dawt Lei Par she was born on Dec 25, 2038. She likes parting and hanging out with her friends but she is very hepful because she stays home a lot and she helps us feeding the animals and cleaning the house. -
Old Times
When I wake up in the mornings I see blue sky and beautiful lands I also see young people. I wish I could go back in time and be 18 again because you are not strong, fast, funny and young as you use to be but I like living in Calfornia with my family and friends. Ii put on country music from the 90s and I close my eyes and dream of living in Texas and be young and wild.