Course begins
Access to orientation module and module 1 -
Due date for completion of orientation exercises
Module 1 Assignments Due
Candide Exercise
Self-Assessment Quiz -
Begin Modules Two and Three: assignments and activities available
Examination of Chamber Music, the Suite, and Keyboard Works -
Voice Thread Discussion One begins
A comparison discussion of Aaron Copland's "Fanfare for the Common Man" and John Wiliams' "Summon the Heroes" -
Instrument ID quiz due
A self-assessment of material from module two -
Voice Thread Discussion One due
Final comments in discussion activity must be submitted by 11 p.m. -
Module 3 Quiz due
Notebook evaluation one url submission due
Submit the url of your most recent blog post for a formal evaluation of your notebook to date -
Begin Unit Two: Large Scale Compositions. Assignments for Modules 4 & 5A available
Unit Two covers the Concerto, the Symphony, large-scale Choral Works with orchestra, and song forms -
Essay 1 due
Compare and contrast the concerto and the concerto grosso -
Deadline for bonus approval
If you plan to attend a live performance to gain extra credit, your request must be submitted before May 31 -
Form and Structure assignment due
Put your ears to the test by recognizing different common formal approaches used in the symphony -
Begin Modules 5B & 6: Assessments available
The Post-Romantic and Modern Symphony, Choral Works & Song Cycles -
Musical detective assignment due
Unravel the clues to reveal what you're listening to when hearing a musical selection for the first time -
Symphony concepts self-assessment due
A self-evaluation of material included in module 5 -
Begin Discussion 2 Voice Thread (Word Painting)
A virtual game of tag. See how long you can keep it going. Complete by July 25 -
Notebook evaluation 2 url submission due
Submit the url of your most recent post for a formal evaluation of the notebook to date -
Complete Discussion 2 Voice Thread
Begin Unit 3: Dramatic Overtones. Assessments for module 7 (Opera and Oratorio) available
Unit Three includes Opera, Oratorio, Ballet, Program Music and Film Music -
Leitmotif activity due
Opera & Oratorio Concept Quiz Due
Essay 2 & Tosca In-Depth due
These two projects should develop over the duration of the week -
Begin Modules 8 & 9: Assignments available
Ballet self-reflection and concept quiz due
An assessment of material in module 8 -
Dramatic Plot Exercise due
One day only. Must offer 3 comments in dialog. -
Discussion 3 Voice thread complete (Dramatic Plot Follow-Up)
This is a one day discussion -
Film music self-assessment and course summary activity due
All submissions must be completed before 5 p.m. Friday, June 21. -
Final notebook evaluation url submission due
Final blog entry, developed from course summary activity, and final notebook evaluation