Behaviour Management Timeline

  • Day 1

    Greet each student warmly
    Roam the halls /classroom, be active and moving
    Seating plan
    Ice Breaker activity /about me
    Establish expectations for entering the room, lining up and how we begin and end each day
    Tour students around the classroom (where completed work goes, where specific subjects are found, where paper and pencils are found, etc.)
    While walking around, establish expectations for caring for supplies
  • Day 2

    Model the rules implemented on day one.
    Praise positive behaviours to students who remember
    Implement lunch and snack time expectations, including indoor recess
    Review Homework and Assignment Expectations and Policies
    Review Dress Code Policy
    Collaboratively create a ‘Classroom Treaty’ with input from the students; avoid negative comments such as “No talking out of turn” put “Listen when someone else is talking”
    Roam class while teaching
  • Day 3

    Implement Emergency drills and procedures
    Discuss importance of using an agenda
    Reinforce respect and rules
    Roam class while students are working
    Introduce “Jobs” that the students are responsible for each week
  • Day 4

    Review rules and consequences
    Reinforce positive behaviour
    Continuously model your expectations for the students
    Model and assign the jobs to the students to start next week
  • Day 5

    Monitor and remind students about classroom rules and expectations.
    Review expectations if needed
    Send home Welcome letter to parents and guardians
    End of week routine (clean desk and classroom, clear belongings, homework and agenda, check lockers)