
  • Alarm

    My alarm goes off at 8 becasue i ahve to be at school within the hour
  • Hit the Snooze button

    Hit the Snooze button
    i usually hit the snooze button till 8:30 becasue i am never ready to get up at 8.
  • Accpet the fact that i have to get up

    Accpet the fact that i have to get up
    Once i know i have to get up i will and will move with extreme speed.
  • Skip Breakfast

    Skip Breakfast
    i have never eaten breakfast in the morning sbecasue im never hungry.
  • Go to school

    Go to school
    Arrive at school(usually late) and go to classes till 5th period
  • Go to Trestons house

    Go to Trestons house
    After school i usually go to trestons house and chill.