11,000 BCE
the first beers
There are authors who locate the origins of beer after the beginning of agriculture, in the year 11,000 BC. C. Not in vain, it was known as "liquid bread", its manufacture was considered exclusive of women; while the man hunted and waged war, women were engaged in the delicate task of the kitchen where the first beers born. -
4000 BCE
the most plausible cradle
Its most plausible cradle is located in Sumer and Mesopotamia, clay tablets with the famous cuneiform script, dating from about 4,000 BC. C., testify, ever since, that Sikaru was made from fermented barley bread.
By this time the Babylonians made 20 different styles of beer. Robert Graves, in his work on Greek myths, speaks of a God known as "Dionysus Sabacio", considered as the deity that introduces fermented grain drinks in the Peloponnese. -
500 BCE
in Egypt
Passing to Egypt, the best known historian of antiquity: Herodotus - 5th century BC. C.- says in book II of his nine books of history: "The wine they drink is usually a kind of wine made from barley, because they have no vines in their country." The same historian also tells us that the elegant women of Egypt used the foam of beer to anoint themselves and thus preserve the natural freshness of the skin. -
300 BCE
the celts and germans
The Celts and the Germans, drank fermented barley. Beer was the sacred drink of these tribes because it came from the foam of God Lug. The Celts commemorated a great religious rite on the first day of November, the feast of the "Samahaim", or feast of the dead - which passed to the Christian calendar. The person who did not drink beer ran the risk of falling into madness. Drinking beer was the most sensible way to join the group and the possibility of staying sane in society. -
200 BCE
The II century in China and Japan
In the second century BCE, the emperor of China produces beer from millet and rice; In Japan, at that time, only brewed beer from rice, called to this day: Sake. -
in Europe...
In the fifth century d. C. beer, like wine, began to be produced by European monasteries.The monks prepared three different beers: the best, called "prime melior", based on barley, reserved for distinguished guests and high ranking officials; The second, called "cervisia" made with oats, was reserved for the internal consumption of the friars, and finally the third, known as the "tertia", was given to the pilgrims and ordinary people. -
Jan 1, 1000
in the european cities...
Between the eleventh and thirteenth century the first breweries of artisanal beer were found in European cities, while homemade brewery remained in the hands of women.
Beer became a profitable business and promoted all kinds of practices for its production, which included the use of "non-saints" products for its elaboration, which generated an alert in the manufacturers and an important reaction of the community for the conservation Of its quality. -
Jan 1, 1267
in strasbourg
In Strasbourg, documents of 1,259, speak of a personage known as Arnoldo the brewer, who exercised a respectable and lucrative office, and in 1267 the "beer street" was inaugurated in the same city. -
nineteenth century
At the beginning of the nineteenth century the way of making beer did not differ much from the medieval times, had to arrive scientific discoveries and the technological advances so that the course of the beer changed drastically. -
the pilsner beer
While the traditional beer known as high fermentation was brewed at temperatures between 15 and 20 ° C, the Czechs of the city of Pilsen invented in 1842 a beer of low fermentation made between 7 and 12 ° C, especially golden and clean. This beer began to be called pilsner or lager and over time became the favorite of the public for its refreshing character, color, shine and foam, to become the world reference for beer in the twentieth and twenty. -
before this task i didn`t know the history of the beer, and now that i have learned something about it i thing that is a very old and loved drink, it has a very important part in the human story and is incredible that the ones who invented this incredible drink were women. -
WAGED: to carry on (a battle, war, conflict, argument, etc.)
CRADLE: a small bed for an infant, usually on rockers.
SCRIPT: the letters or characters used in writing by hand; handwriting, especially cursive writing.
BARLEY:the grain of this plant, used as food and in making beer, ale, and whiskey.
MONK: (in any religion) a man who is a member of a monastic order -