Standardized Testing
Standardized testing helps the school district as well as government to make sure all students are learning what is expected for their grade level. Some believe standardized testing helps make sure teachers are doing their job, I have to disagree but believe standardized testing does give us a pretty good idea of where students are academic. -
I.D.E.A. has had a big impact on students with any type of disablities. Being able to give what is needed to these kids to help them succeed during the school day and hopefully at home. This act also make sure educational programs are specialized for the students needs. -
Virtual Education
Virtual education is something I truly am grateful for and believe alot of others are as well. I'm able to work full-time, take care of my children and still go to school. Without virtual education, I would not be able to further my education. -
No Child Left Behind
Working in a very diverse school district, I see how backgrounds affect each child. With this act being introduced we make sure that school districts are helping students with diversity. We can see the statics from the tests that third-eighth graders must take in the subjects. of in language arts, math and science. -
Common Core Standards
Common core standards help tell teachers what students should learn in math and English. Some of these standards, especially math, have recieved some negative feedback from parents. Common core has tried to make these subjects easier with problem sovling skills.