My Media Timeline

  • Period: to

    My Media Timeline

    My experience is growing and timelines are starting to become concrete.
  • TV/Television

    I recognized and known TV when I am at younger age. Watching cartoons and entertaining shows for children.
  • Kodak

    It was introduced by my brothers to me. They love taking pictures and so am I. Honestly, it was one of the important events in my life because I acted and imitated as a professional model and my brothers as the photographers. Lots of unforgettable memories have been made on that day.
  • Telephone

    We used it before in our house to call dad who worked in a distant place
  • Loveletter

    My first and would be the last loveletter I've made was given to my mom. It really made me happy back then when I realized that even in a short message of 'Happy Valentines' I made her very happy and special.
  • Radio

    My Family and I are always gathered to one another just to listen and update about the news. It served as a channel to learn more about the world and things around us, because at that time our TV was rarely often losing it connections.
  • Flashcards

    This was the 1st media introduced in me in our school. It contains information represented by numbers, words, and pictures which helped me to learn more and aid a better memorization.
  • Bible

    This is my favorite type of media. It was my first known when it was introduced to me by my family. And for me this book is not just an ordinary book but a book that can saves a quindecillion of lives. It teaches me how to be strong and faithful to God no matter what life is. Everytime I read this book it always gives me a feeling of being relieve and comfortable.
  • Bandillo

    I always joined to the 'tanod' and other children everytime their is a bandillo in our baranggay. It's an announcement which gives an information in order for us to be aware for the said activities. It was very memorable because we always stop beside the streetlight and walked in a distance just to imply the messages.
  • PisoNet

    My brother taught me to play video games. He invited me to go somewhere I didn't absolutely remember, but I think it was a pisonet shop. He taught me how to manipulate and play the arcade scale computer as well as told me to be a better player. It seems like he is very consistent teaching me to be like him.
  • Pasamwakan

    Eveytime I went to the baranggay I constantly saw this media. It always caught my attention and pulled me into its place just to read all the information it contains. Every key facts and other pertinent information enticed me to learn in every detail written.
  • Tin Can Telephone

    Tin Can Telephone
    In my childhood days, I learned how to made this kind of media. My playmates taught me how to used it and made me felt such like an inventor. We are happy playing this kind of media because even in a distance, we can still talked to each other by transporting our messages. Though it was made of can and string.
  • Slam book

    Slam book
    I encountered this media in my grades school. I was been curious at that time and wanted it some try. Definitely, I was just influenced by my classmates to made my own slam book to share my own emotions and sentiments with them. But at the end of the day, I said to myself that its very worth a try.
  • Newspaper

    This is a very usable, informative and full package type of media. It mostly helped me in my projects and any activities in school which needs a very realiant and no limited informations.
  • Magazine

    Everytime I get bored I always find something to relieved myself and that was to read magazines which are full of quotes and inspirational messages.
  • Computer

    This media has been my buddy all this time. In my junior high school, I spare my money and spend most of my time in my projects and assignments. I went to all the computer shop in our place just to find any space or vacant seats.
  • Tablet

    I rarely used it in my grade 10 because sometimes it was needed for some reasons. For taking notes, for searching answers that needs an internet, and for taking photos and selfies as well for a documentation. When I brought this in our school, I realized that I builded and obtained more memories, and until now it was still save in my tablet.
  • Cellphone

    I'm already 17 when I got my first cellphone. I didn't need it if it was'nt because it's necessary for a new educational system which is mostly dependent to social media. When my mom bought my first cellphone, I suggested to her that what I wanted was a type of phone that was suitable for internet access so that I could search fastly what I wanted.
  • Facebook

    My cousin helped me to made my first account in social media which is Facebook. I signed up to this media because it is needed in my senior's days. Though, in the beginning I hate Facebook but then it proves me wrong because I build new friends, share my own opinions and feelings in a good way without offending someone, and communicate more with my loved ones. It has it disadvantages but for me if you know how to balance everything.Disadvantages will not happen.
  • Messenger

    I started to used it in grade 11. Through this media, I could send a lot of messages and chat with my relatives who were in a distant place.
  • Edmodo

    It was introduced by me from my brother. I created my own account on this site beacuse it is free and has a secure eduactional learning network that is very much helpful for education.