stephen douglas
stephen douglas is known as the little giant. He was president in 1813. He created the kansas nebraska act. -
missouri compromise
maine becomes a free state and missouri becomes a slave state. split louisiana purchase along 36 30 with the north being free and the south being slaved. caused more of a division in the country which helped lead to the civil war. -
compromise of 1850
califronia becomes a free state. The border dispute is settled between Texas and New Mexico. The contribution to the war is they are fighting over the right to have slaves. -
uncle toms cabin
uncle tom hid slaves and didnt tell where they were. His slave whipped him. the north and south didnt like each other. -
kansas-nebraska act
Nebraska wants to become a free state. This act devides Nebraska into two territories. This contributed to the war because they wanted to split up the free and slave states. -
dred scott
He is a slave owned by John Emerson. He spent multiple years in free territorys but then got taken back to slave territorys. The north was annoyed but the south was very happy. -
ottawa debate
douglas doesnt like that lincoln acussed him of conspiracy. Lincoln denied the conspiracy. It grew national attention about slavery. -
freeport debate
Ther were about 20,000 people that attended. Lincoln won this debate also. This event contributed to the war because it was part of the election. -
Lincoln also won this debate. This debate was one of the biggest debates in this election. It contributed to the war because it was the election. -
charleston debate
The charlestown debate took place around 2:30. Lincoln won this debate. This was the final debate before the election so it decided who was president before the war. -
john brown
He led a group of men to capture federal arsenal at Harper ferrys Virinia. He tried to let slaves free but got caught and was going to get hung. His part in the war was he was in a rebellion to stop slavery. -
election of 1860
The south seceded the election. Lincoln won most of the states. Thier were more democrats than anything.