Battles Of The Civil War

  • Battle Of Fort Sumter

    Battle Of Fort Sumter
    Start Of War
  • First Battle Of Bull Run

    First Battle Of Bull Run
    First Confederate Victory, Shows the War Will Be Long
  • Battle Of Glorieta Pass

    Battle Of Glorieta Pass
    Gettysburg Of The West For Stopping Confederate Invasion Of New Mexico Territory
  • Battle Of Shiloh

    Battle Of Shiloh
    First Major Battle Of The Western Theater
  • Battle Of Antietam

    Battle Of Antietam
    Bloodiest Day In American History
  • Battle Of FredericksBurg

    Battle Of FredericksBurg
    Largest Amount Of Troops Involved In Battle
  • Battle Of Chancellorsville

    Battle Of Chancellorsville
    Lee's Greatest Victory Of The War
  • Battle Of VicksBurg

    Battle Of VicksBurg
    Union Victory That Split The Confederacy In Half
  • Battle Of GettysBurg

    Battle Of GettysBurg
    Bloodiest Battle Of The War
  • Battle Of Appomattox CourtHouse

    Battle Of Appomattox CourtHouse
    End Of War