Battle of Fort Sumter
The Battle of Fort Sumter was the bombardent and surrender of Fort Sumter. It was near Charleston, South Carolina. That started the American Civil War. South Carollina demanded that the U.S Army. -
Battle of Boonville
The First Battle of Boonville was a minor skimish of the American Civil War. The union victory established what would become an unbroken fereal control of the Missouri RIver, and help to thwart efforts to bring Missouri into the Confederacy. -
The Battle of the Bull Run
The First Battle of the Bull RUn also known as Battle of First Manassas. It was fought on July 21, 1861 in Prince William County, Virginia. It was the irst major battle of the American Civil War. -
The Battle of Winchester
The First Battle of Winchester, was fought on May 25, 1862. They fought around Fredrick County, Virginia. During the American Civil War, Jackson enveloped the right flank of the Union Army under Maj. Gen. -
Battle of Glendale
The Battle of Glendale, also known as the Battle of Frayser's Farm, Frazier's Farm, Nelson's Farm, Charles City Crossroads, New Market Road. On the sixth day of the Seven Day Battle. -
Battle of Palmeto Ranch
The Battle of Palmito Ranch is generally rockoned as the inal battle of the American Civil War. Since it was the last engagment between organized forces of the Union Army and the Confederate States Army involving casualties. It was fought on May 12 and 13, 1865.