Cutting of Supplies
Gen. Braxton Bragg’s army laid siege to the Union army under Major General William Rosecrans at Chattanooga, cutting off its supplies. -
Ulysses Grant found out about the rebels plan, reinforcing Chattanoggan with supplies and troops, also reestablising a supply route -
General Smith sails down the Tennessee River
Gen. Smith and 3,500 men sail down the Tennessee River and march across Moccasin Point to Brown's Ferry, -
The first attack
Longstreet's troops attack the union, but fail to drive them frome the newly-opened Union supply route from Bridgeport, -
Grant sends Sherman and Hooker to flank the Confederate position. -
Hooker takes Lookout Moutain.
Bragg loses Lookout Mountain to Hooker's forces. Hooker proceeds to Rossville to threaten Bragg's left and rear. -
Union takes Chattanooga
Four divisions of Thomas' army advance up Missionary Ridge and go to the Confederate Center, while Hooker attacks their left. Bragg's Army is defeated and retreats deep into Georgia.